5-Foot Cat Eating Lizards Florida Are Hungry Reptiles Hunting For Prey! [+VIDEO]

5-foot cat eating lizards Florida are roaming the area and hunting for some appetizing prey. These lizards native to Africa are considered threat and are feared to lessen the population of owls, Dachshunds and cats.

5-foot cat eating lizards Florida are believed to be infesting the Palm Beach County while they feed on local wildlife and that includes cats, owls and reptiles, The Week reports.

Several reports indicated that these African lizards have formed to grow their population down the C-51 canal and nearby waterways in central Palm Beach County.

"We have found that the population hasn't spread very far from the C-51 Canal, and if we increase the pressure, we might be able to eradicate them," Jenny Ketterlin Eckles, non-native wildlife biologist for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said.

Although the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission have been chasing the African reptiles for years, the commission will be keener in monitoring the 5-foot cat eating lizards. Florida patrols will be more vigilant in targeting these reptiles that are becoming active in their breeding season.

The officials are really being watchful in hunting down the 5-foot cat eating lizards Florida that are fast becoming hazard to wildlife. They eat variety of prey from mammals to reptiles including fish, owls, including eggs, chicks and chickens, according to the Sun Sentinel.

Eckles stated that the monitors were also believed to be the reason for the missing pets including Dachsund puppies owned by an indentified man. People are also noticing that the numbers of feral cats are waning.

The 5-foot cat eating lizards Florida were reported to be building kingdom around Cape Coral, the biggest empire of the African reptiles, in Homestead-Miami Speedway and also in from Broward County.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation officials have not yet established whether their population has grown more in Broward County.

In order to arrest their increasing population, the commission is urging the public to take a photo of the reptiles if ever they spotted them. They are also going to distribute fliers so people will help them in hunting the lizards.

The 5-foot cat eating lizards Florida have colors that can be dark olive, light yellow or brown. They are also known to grow up to five feet and they have yellow spots at their back.

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