Viral Video Sesame Street Game Of Chairs: Days Before HBO Game Of Thrones Season 5, Sesame Street Shows How It’s Done! [WATCH]

So far, 2015 has seen some truly amazing "Sesame Street" parodies of cultural phenomenons, from their version of the Best Picture Oscar winner "Big Birdman" until the amazingly hilarious "House of Bricks" honoring the Netflix political drama starring Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright and released right before the third season of the show.

Now it's the turn for another cultural phenomenon, this time the HBO epic favorite "Game of Thrones," as the puppets at Sesame Street take on a game of chairs with some of the most iconic characters from the show based on George R. R. Martin's "A Song of Fire" book series.

Watch Sesame Street's "Game of Chairs" below!

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