BMJ Apple A Day Study: Eating An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctors Away? New British Study Reveals Why

In a new BMJ Apple a day study, eating an apple a day shows that you can really keep the doctor away.

This is the same effect of statin to people over 50. The new British Medical Journal, BMJ Apple a day study published tells that eating an apple a day could prevent and even eradicate 8,500 cardiovascular deaths in the United Kingdom every year.

In the New Nutrition Review report, British researchers have proven that the old age saying have an actual basis on its effect on one's health. BMJ Apple a day study proves that those taking statins over the age of 50 have lessened their risk to cardiovascular diseases such as strokes and heart attacks.

The study led by Dr. Adam Briggs from the British Heart Foundation Health Research Group at the Oxford University studied 22 million adults where diets included an apple daily.

From the research, they have found that apple could actually curb approximately 8,500 deaths as compared to 9,400 deaths that could be prevented by statins.

The comparison of eating apple daily and taking statins was made.

As cited by the Scientific American, the BMJ Apple a day study shows that an apple could also do the same effect to people over the age of 50 as a preventive way to cut the risk of developing heart diseases. Apples are even healthier with little side effects, unlike statins that can increase risk to diabetes.

The BMJ Apple a day study reveals that the 150 years of Victorian wisdom has been a relative part in one's health in preventing heart diseases- any stroke, cardiac death, or other vascular death. It also tells that taking statins and eating an apple a day have almost the same effect in limiting vascular mortality.

Although apples can cost more than statins in the long run, eating apples rather than taking statins over the age of 50 can actually lower NHS costs. Statins were found to cause thousand added cases of myopathy or muscle disease and diabetes.

Prior to the BMJ Apple a day study, Dr. Bahram H. Arjmandi, PhD, RD, Margaret A. Sitton Professor and Chair, Department of Nutrition, Food and Exercise Sciences at The Florida State University was able conclude that apples are indeed "miracle fruit" by providing benefits aside from its fiber content.

Arjmandi's most recent research was the first one to prove that eating an apple daily really has a beneficial factor in cardioprotective effects among post menopausal women.

With the BMJ Apple a day study, it suggests that little dietary changes could have vast effect on one's health. Would you rather eat apple daily or take statins to prevent heart disease? The decision is yours.

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