J.K. Rowling Twitter: ‘Harry Potter’ Author Stands By Character Albus Dumbledore Gay Sexuality In AWESOME Tweet!

A few months after the release of the last book of the series about the boy wizard, entitled "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," its author said that one of the main characters, Hogwarts headmaster and Harry's mentor Albus Dumbledore, was actually gay - and, years later, J.K. Rowling's Twitter stands by this and the LGBT community.

At the time of the announcement, during a Q&A with people of all ages, the English writer's statement was met with cheers, as she spoke about the character's inner struggle throughout his life, and J.K. Rowling's Twitter has often come to the rescue ever since when the subject of LGBT rights pops up.

According to Just Jared, the latest awesome thing to come out of J.K. Rowling's Twitter happened as a user on the social network wrote to her about Dumbledore, saying they couldn't believe the character was gay and that they didn't see Dumbledore that way.

The Independent reports that a fan called Ana Kocovic, who has since deleted her account, asked the Edinburgh-based writer via the social network why she'd said that Dumbledore was gay, and J.K. Rowling's Twitter was quick to reply in the coolest way possible.

"Maybe because gay people just look like... people?" was J.K. Rowling's Twitter response, which prompted her millions of fans to applaud the best-selling author.

This isn't the first time that the writer takes to her Twitter account to speak in favor of the gay community, according to Cnet; just last year, a fan called Tati Kendrick asked whether she thought there were a lot of LGBT people in Hogwarts, and whether they'd formed a club; the 49 year-old English writer wittily replied that, if the "Harry Potter" books had taught anything was that no one should live in a closet!

In the past, the author has heavily used J.K. Rowling's Twitter to make statements in regards of her successful series - and even giving fans riddles!

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