Mitt Romney Mormon: Democrat Nancy Pelosi Hopes GOP Nominates Romney In 2016

The fact that Barack Obama is entering his sixth year as President of the United States also means one thing: presidential elections are just two years away, and so possible candidates are already setting themselves up for whatever comes for them - and there's at least one Democrat who wants to see Mitt Romney's Mormon agenda trying to reach the White House once more.

In a move many have considered petty, Minority Leader of the United States House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, famous for her longtime advocacy of Hillary Clinton occupying the Oval Office, has stated that she likes the chances the former Secretary of State has if she faces Mitt Romney's Mormon program.

According to Politico, the latest Pelosi comments basically suggest that, if faced with Mitt Romney's Mormon agenda during the 2016 presidential elections, Hillary Rodham Clinton would win the presidency by a landslide, stating that she didn't mean to sound disrespectful to the former Massachusetts Governor, but it would make things easier for Clinton.

"I mean, he might be a nice person - no offense, no offense - [but] let's save you time," Pelosi told The Hill in a recent interview, when asked if Mitt Romney's Mormon agenda would be threatening to Hillary Clinton if she were to run for the upcoming 2016 elections. Smiling, Pelosi then added, "Let me put it this way - I hope he's their nominee."

Known for her wide support of a possible Clinton nomination from the Democratic side of the 2016 elections, Pelosi has made history herself, by being the first woman to hold office as a House Speaker, being the highest-ranking female politician in the nation's record - a position she'd be willing to give up if Clinton were to become the first female President in the United States.

So far, according to a recent poll by CBS News, the chances of Clinton going up against Mitt Romney's Mormon program seem fairly likely, as the entrepreneur is leading the field of possible GOP nominees for the upcoming election in Iowa.

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