Charlie Hebdo Magazine Muhammad: “Je suis Charlie,” Muhammad Cartoon Cover Issue Depicts Silent Protest For Death Of 5 Cartoonists In Charlie Hebdo Attack

Charlie Hebdo Magazine, Muhammad cartoon cover will be out on Wednesday, the first issue following the Paris office attacked that killed 12 people. Charlie Hebdo Magazine, Muhammad cover shows the cartoon character shedding a tear with the sign "Je suis Charlie" that means "All is forgiven".

The Charlie Hebdo Magazine Muhammad cartoon cover was the move of the remaining Charlie Hebdo staff's defiance. The upcoming Charlie Hebdo Magazine Muhammad cover issue will also show the unpublished works of the slain cartoonists, according to CNN.

There were 17 people killed in separate Paris shootings last week. Four of the Jewish victims of the Islamist terrorists will be buried in Israel. Following the high-profile massacre in Paris, around 10,000 troops were deployed and a big protest happened, Sunday.

Zineb El Rhazoui, a surviving columnist at Charlie Hebdo magazine explained that the Charlie Hebdo Magazine, Muhammad cover was a sign to forgive the terrorists who killed her colleagues last week. She added she didn't feel hatred towards Cherif and even invite the Muslims to accept comedy The Guardian reported.

Charlie Hebdo's editor in chief, Gerard Briard stated in the upcoming issue of the Charlie Hebdo Magazine, Muhammad cover that they have been performing miracles than all the saints and prophets combined.

He cited that they are truly proud of the Charlie Hebdo Magazine, Muhammad cover. He added that they are very thankful for all who supported them in time of their greatest suffering during the Wednesday attack.

Briard also told that the newest Charlie Hebdo Magazine, Muhammad issue that will be release is very complicated. He particularly noted, it says something about them and says something about the event that happened from which they are confronted.

 The Charlie Hebdo Magazine, Muhammad issue will have 3 million copies instead of the regular 60,000 copies soled every week. The surviving cartoonists of the Charlie Hebdo Magazine began working on the cover at the Liberation, French daily newspaper offices.

Charlie Hebdo Magazine, Muhammad cover was made solely by Charlie Hebdo Magazine staff. The names of the cartoonists are withheld according to BBC.

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