3D Printer Food Hits Next Level: Cookies Can Now Be Printed … And, Soon, Pizza [PHOTOS]

While 2015 has unfortunately not brought the "Back to the Future II" Hoverboards, there are still inventions getting released every day that seem to lead humanity closer and closer to a science fiction-like future - like, for example, 3d printer's foods.

For the last couple of years, the idea of 3D printer foods has marveled many across the world, as the idea of a machine printing edible things seems right out of something like "Star Trek" - and, now, the latest news regarding 3D printing sees a big company managing to print cookies, and possibly pizza in the future.

According to RT, the latest news in 3D printer food sees company XYZprinting releasing its newest invention, which is being shown in the Consumer Electronics Show 2015 (CES) in Las Vegas last Tuesday, being able to actually produce cookies in a highly technological, efficient and affordable way.

According to Digital Trends, the new XYZPrinting 3D Food Printer uses, instead of ink, flour and chocolate to create cookies - although, mind you, they're unbaked, so whoever's using the cookie-making printer will have to put their sweet dessert on the oven by themselves.

However, they can be designed the way the baker finds more appropriate, with different ways to create cookies from scratch with the ingredients in the machine.

For now, the machine is only limited to cookies and different possibilities of cake decorations, but the company has let out that there's a possibility that they can create a similar process for one of the world's most beloved junk foods: pizza. And really, the thought of printing your own pizza is a while ballpark in itself.

According to Geek Wire, the XYZPrinting 3D Food Printer uses extruders to create just about any kind of "gooey" foods, ranging from sauces and jams to frosting and, of course, cookies. Let the cooking begin for the 3D printer geeks!

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