ISIS Captures Jordanian Pilot: Father of Jordanian Pilot Held Hostage By ISIS Pleads, Pilot Shares Same Faith

After ISIS captures Jordanian pilot, the ISIS extremist group has scored their very first captive from the U.S. led coalitions. The militant group openly admitted to the capture of 1st Lt. Mu'ath al-Kaseasbeh, after his plane crashed Wednesday morning.

The Jerusalem Post reports the father of al-Kaseasbeh pleads to the extremist group to treat his son as "guest." Following ISIS captures Jordanian pilot, there were also speculations that there could be a probable prisoner exchange when the Jordan government released captives from the group al-Qaida in Iraq.

The day after the ISIS made public announcement of captivity of the Jordanian pilot, father of al-Kaseasbeh appealed to the extremist groups to release his son who also shares the same faith as the group.

On Wednesday, the pilot was carrying his mission of airstrikes in Syrian city of Raqqa, the Islamic State group's concentrated capital.

ISIS captures Jordanian pilot news came about on Wednesday after ISIS took to Twitter their captivity of a pilot who looked so frightened and was half naked waist down. The pilot, 26 was being dragged out of the lake by some ISIS members wearing masks.

Right after the ISIS captures Jordanian pilot, the Jordanian government described the pilot as "hostage." The Atlantic reports that the plane was shut down by the ISIS by launching antiaircraft missiles they secured from their attacks on Iraq and Syria military bases.

The F-16 attacked by ISIS captures Jordanian pilot, their first captive after the U.S.-led coalitions launched airstrikes in September. However, the US military has denied the claims that the extremist groups had really targeted the F-16 plane.

Following the ISIS captures Jordanian pilot incident, Fox News reported Safi Yousef al-Kaseasbeh, the father of the pilot appealed to the ISIS through a journalist in Amman.

"I direct a message to our generous brothers of the Islamic State in Syria: to host my son, the pilot Mu'ath, with generous hospitality. I ask God that their hearts are gathered together with love, and that he is returned to his family, wife and mother," Safi Yousef al-Kaseasbeh said in a statement. "We are all Muslims."

Since September 23, the United States and several Arab allies have been launching airstrikes in Iraq. Other countries such as Qatar, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates also expressed their support to U.S.-led coalitions.

Here are updates on the ISIS captures Jordanian pilot:

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