
Adults With COVID-19 Twice Likely to Dine Out At A Restaurant, CDC Says
Philippines Study Coconut Oil as Potential Treatment for COVID-19 Disease
The Philippines is studying the virgin coconut oil as a possible treatment for COVID-19. The Philippines is studying the virgin coconut oil as a possible treatment for COVID-19. -
Tips to Smart Snacking While Stuck at Home
A healthy snack amid the COVID-19 pandemic is easy to prepare for anyone who spends their days at home. -
Restaurant Gives Free 30,000-Calorie Burger If You Could Eat It In An Hour
A Cumbria restaurant will give a 30,000-calorie burger if you could manage to scoff it within an hour. -
Walmart Starts Testing Drone Delivery
Walmart kicked off its drone delivery pilot through a collaboration with the drone delivery company Flytrex. -
Queen Elizabeth Eats Hamburger, and She has a Very Specific Way to Eat it
Queen Elizabeth eats hamburger, just like the others but she has a particular way on eating it. Find it out here! -
Virgin Coconut Oil: Get to Know It Better Through These 5 Interesting FAQs
Here are five exciting FAQs to start your discovery of how useful and beneficial a teaspoon of virgin coconut oil could be. -
5-year-old Child Borrows Phone from His Father and Secretly Orders in FoodPanda
A 5-year-old child from the Philippines went viral as parents posted his pictures alongside his story of how he ordered in FoodPanda and left his parents shocked with the bill. -
Coconut Oil: Underrated but has the Strongest Benefits You Need to Know
Here are the impressive benefits that coconut oil may give you. Coconut oil and olive oil both have excellent benefits. However, when compared, a tablespoon of coconut oil contains six times the amount of saturated fat to a tablespoon of olive oil. -
Popeyes Employee Fired for Spitting in Cop's Food, Writing 'ACAB' on Meal Box
A Popeyes employee in Texas was fired after allegedly spitting in a police officer's food before it was served. -
Helping Culinary Community: Texas Wine and Food Alliance Debuts
To help the culinary community, Austin Food & Wine Alliance (AFWA) revealed that it would have a statewide expansion to Texas' other major cities. -
Boy Makes Mask Aids To Help Jewish Family Services Food Pantry
A boy is doing a mask aids to help feed hundreds of people in Kansas facing food insecurity. A boy is doing mask aids to help feed hundreds of people in Kansas facing food insecurity. -
Food Aid Boxes Now Include a Letter From President Trump
Food aid boxes created by the U.S.Department of Agriculture now have an extra ingredient, a letter from President Donald Trump. -
Food Delivery Customers: More than 20% of Them Encounter Problem
Food delivery customers have a bone to pick their delivery. However, several customers said that they have had issues with ordering and picking up their food on-demand. -
Food Stamp Recertification to be Reinstated by USDA, Food Experts Worry
Food stamp recertification wants to be reinstated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which will require already approved applicants for food stamps to prove that their income is low enough to maintain the benefits.