One Direction's New Hit "Perfect" Is About Taylor Swift
Proud Mom Britney Spears Shares A Snapshot of Award - Winning Son, Sean
Britney Spears, a mother of two boys, was a proud mother after sharing in Instagram on Friday the photo of her award-winning son. Louisa Johnson, She Dreamt to Duet With Beyonce
The 17-year-old “The X Factor” finalist revelead her dream if she will make it in one. The 17-year-old "The X Factor" finalist, Louisa Johnson revelead her dream if she will make it in one. Khloe Kardashian Is Happy With Her Boyfriend James Harden
While Khloe Kardashian promised to herself to focus on Lamar Odon’s recovery, she’s very happy having James Harden being very understanding to her and the situation. Patricia Arquette Struggled as a Single Mom
The American Actress opens up about how much she struggled as a single mom. The American Actress opens up about how much she struggled as a single mom. The Preacher's Sin Debuts On Lifetime Would Be A Promising One
A new drama film is about to debut today via the Lifetime channel and it is going to unlock some reality that is happening inside a church that many would probably relate. Diane Kruger And Leading Man Joshua Jacson Walks Arm-in-Arm, Shares Opinion About Marriage
Couple Dian Kruger and Joshua Jackson go out together on Thursday. The partner walked throughout the street of West Holywood as a picture-perfect couple. Good Food, Happy Living
Good food can be very beneficial to a life well-lived. There are certain types of food that can help a person have a healthy life. Lamar Odom Is Suffering Serious Brain Injury
Doctors are afraid that Lamar Odom is suffering serious brain damage. Doctors are afraid that Lamar Odom is suffering serious brain damage. It has been reported that Lamar Odom is doing well after being found in a brothel unconscious, although it is very shocking that the NBA player could not recognise most of his closest friends and families. Best-before Dates May Contribute to Food Waste
Most consumers in Canada have the wrong understanding about best-before dates and this could be a contributing factor to the increasing percentage of food waste and of future environmental problems. Calcium Is An Essential Need To The Human Body
Most of the people know that calcium is a very big help to the teeth and bones and it can benefit a person a lot if there is a regular or daily intake of calcium. It helps the human body to pump the blood in the body to avoid blood clot. Authorities Says US Band, Eagles Of Death Metal, Are Now Safe After Paris Terrorist Attack
Eagles of Death Metal, a California-based band that was to perform at the Bataclan were all in safe hands, according to a U.S. official. Thor: Ragnarok Casting Update- Shocking Twist On Characters Is Ahead
After the first Thor film came out, it was a blockbuster and a lot of fans are now waiting for its installment. Ronda Rousey And Holly Holm Weigj In Went A Little Bit Out Of Hand
The most awaited Ronda Rousey `and Holly Holm UFC193 fight will be on air tomorrow night, Sunday Nov.15, 2015. On today's weigh in got a little bit out of hand when Holly Holm had her fist on the champion Ronda Rousey's face when she went to Holly Holm's side of the stage and went in for an aggressive position. Paris Attacks Reactions: David Beckham, Kim Kardashian And Taylor Swift Lead Celebrity Reactions On Horrific France Night
Every person in the world watched last Friday's news in shock as the French capital was attacked by still unnamed terrorists in six different venues across the city, including an Eagles of Death Metal concert in the Bataclan theater in the 11th arrondisement where more than 100 people were executed - and celebrities have given their heartfelt support to victim in the latest Paris attacks reactions.