Jan 04, 2016 08:20 AM EST
6 Best Superfoods You Need To Get the Most Out of 2016

'Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future' author David Wolfe says: "We are eating too much of the wrong thing, and not enough of the right thing." Fortunately a much greater appreciation for healthy eating and food supplements as superfoods are now being seen among an ever widening audience. Here are a few of these wonders of nature recommended for 2016 as compiled in The Huffington Post

Superfood 1# Maca 

Peruvian in origin, Maca is said to be good for individuals with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), tired blood or anemia, female hormone imbalance, menstrual problems, metabolic issues and tuberculosis. It is also believed to alleviate depression and to aid in the symptoms of stomach cancer, HIV and AIDS. This superfood has the necessary ingredients to enhance stamina and athletic performance, memory, fertility, sexual drive and the immune system.

Besides smoothies, soups and similar treats, Maca is also found in the probiotic drink, fermented maca chicha.

Superfood #2 Camu Camu 

A product of the Amazon rainforest, Camu camu is a good food source for B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, amino acids, antioxidants and bioflavonoids and helps in addressing health conditions in the gums such as gingivitis, in the eyes such as cataract and glaucoma, in the immune system such as common colds and in the circulatory system such as atherosclerosis or arterial hardening. It also helps with shingles, herpes, cold sores, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and depression.

Superfood #3 Coconut Oil

This superfood has proven to be a consistent source of health and medicinal benefits. Among the health conditions that coconut oil helps address throughout the ages are chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetes, heart-related diseases and thyroid conditions. It also helps with Alzheimer's disease as well as with energy and immune system boosting and with cholesterol and weight management. 

Superfood #4 Bone Broth

This superfood is a great anti-inflammatory food source that is rich in collagen that protects and benefits joints, bones, skin and hair.

Superfood #5 Lucuma

This superfood of South American origin is a rich food source of antioxidants, vitamin B, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates. It is a great help to managing blood sugar and the appetite. Lucuma is has anti-aging, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Superfood #6 Spirulina

This algae product superfood is brim-full of health benefits.  A rich source of protein, B-vitamins and iron, spirulina helps with weight loss goals and with treating attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), hayfever, diabetes, stress, fatigue, anxiety, depression and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It helps manage cholesterol, digestion, energy, digestion and metabolism among other factors and functions.