Nov 29, 2015 02:15 PM EST
New Generation of Superheroes Unveiled

New Generation. New Heroes. Today's Group of Marvel Artists have something special in mind for all comic book fans.

The next generation of superheroes has just been unveiled. Marvel has revealed a new comic book series "The Totally Awesome Hulk" which deals with the Hulk, but not in the traditional old school Dr. Bruce Banner Hulk. Instead, Hulk will have a new alter-ego named Amadeus Cho in this fresh new comic book series.

The Hulk since its inception has been originally Dr. Bruce Banner, a physicist who had an accident while developing a Gamma Bomb, and has a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde persona. The angrier the mild-mannered Doctor becomes the more he transforms into the Jade Giant and the more rage the powerful the Hulk gets. Today's next generation artists offers diversity with new crossovers. Although the comic book will be different from the TV show Amadeus Cho, he will now be the Hulk's new other half.

The question inside the masses heads could be who is Amadeus Cho?

Amadeus Cho the seventh smartest person on the Marvel Universe, has a hyper mind that operates like a compute. This allows him to virtually have limitless calculations in his head, without any mechanical aid of course.

With limited stimuli on his part he can set multiple physical reactions into motion in his vicinity, be able to forestall technological and human activity with equal ease.

This new hulk is an embodiment of today's keyboard, gadgets generation. And this version of the hulk will have a different story line. Not like the original tormented Bruce banner that hates turning into his alter ego, this hulk version loves transforming himself and is in control. New superhero characters also icnlude female versions of Thor and a female Captain Marvel.

This move by Marvel opens doors, like the new Wolverine. Portrayed by the Original Wolverine's Clone X-23.

So how will this affect the big screen movie versions? Well I guess we will find out soon.