Nov 09, 2015 08:53 AM EST
Working out? Try to Avoid Eating These Kinds of Food As Much As Possible

You maintain a balanced diet and a workout routine to keep you fit and in shape. But do you know that eating any of the food listed below can ruin your diet and eventually mess up your fitness goals? According to Health and Fitness, everything is good in moderation and in perfect timing - reminding you to be aware of which one can be eaten before or after each workout. Well, if you don't want to put most of your effort to waste, better get rid of the following:

1. Salad Dressing and Mayo

If you eat salad the proper way, more vegetables than creamy dressing, mayo and croutons, this bowl is actually good for everyone especially the health buffs out there.

2. Peas and Beans

"Bean-based foods (such as hummus) are high in indigestible carbohydrates that may cause uncomfortable gas and bloating," says Mary Hartley, a registered dietitian in New York City. Plus, you are more likely to use the hummus as a dip for raw vegetables or even high-sodium snacks so it's really better to just stay away from it.

 3. Dairy 

According to FitAddict, dairy products can lead to "being more sluggish and sleepy during a workout". They basically affect your eagerness to push yourself to do extra crunches and routines for another 10-15 minutes.

4. Sweetened Drinks and Diet Sodas

Drink lots of water, instead. Though most flavored waters are touted as great 'fitness' drinks, many are full of sugar, or worse, artificial sweeteners that could disrupt your workout. Juicing some vegetables and fruits can do the trick. Thus, a whole apple is a better choice before a workout, registered dietician Riska Platt told the American Heart Association. However, orange juice can be a good post-workout addition to make sure you're getting enough fluids. 

5. Processed Foods and Chips

When these foods are being processed, all the stuff that helps you lose weight are eliminated and replaced with either sugar, corn syrup, or hydrogenated oils, which will only make you gain more weight and consume sodium and even trans or unsaturated fats.

You may opt for any of these post workout ideas to help you strengthen your fitness goals. Stay fit without the need to deprive yourself with what you want to eat. After all, you need the drive to keep you focused and motivated.