Nov 06, 2015 09:42 PM EST
Eating Fry- up Before Drinking Can Minimize Hangover

Drinking too much alcohol could lead to throwing up and hangovers. Some believe a meal filled with fried food could prevent it from happening. But an expert says only if it's consumed before drinking.

A researcher in alcohol metabolism formerly of Union College, New York, James Schaefer stated, "Eating a fry-up before drinking could actually lessen the effects. Fatty foods, if eaten before drinking alcohol, 'grease' the lining of the stomach and intestines, which means the alcohol is absorbed more slowly into the body." He also recommended taking a teaspoon of olive oil to decrease the alcohol effect in one's body.

Though Professor Schaefer recommended the 'fry-up' solution, some experts have varying opinions.

For researcher Manny Noakes, it is pear juice. Pears (Asian) react on the common enzymes involved in alcohol metabolism. Noakes explained, "Overall hangover severity, as measured by a 14 item hangover severity scale, was significantly reduced in the Korean (Asian) pear group compared with those having a placebo drink, with the most pronounced effect seen on the specific symptom of 'trouble concentrating."

Dr Richard Stephens, of Keele University, when invited to give a talk in one of the meetings of the international Alcohol Hangover Research Group stated, "The best hangover cures are those that provide sugar. One of the mechanisms of the hangover is to do with glucose metabolism and not having enough blood sugar." He then added, regarding his opinion about the effectiveness of fried food in hangovers, "In Britain, one of the most prevalent hangover cures is a big fried breakfast - fried eggs, sausages, baked beans, and all the rest.That's well-renowned as a hangover cure in Britain, and it probably does work because there are lot of carbohydrates in that meal. And that will restore depleted sugar levels." He admitted that occasionally eating fried breakfast works for him.

Experts may agree or disagree with each other or come up with other antidote to prevent the adverse effects of hangover, but Utrecht University researchers provide this one wise solution, "The only practical way to avoid a hangover is 'to drink less alcohol'."