Oct 20, 2015 09:08 AM EDT
‘Captain America’: Fox News Calls Marvel’s Sam Wilson Comic ‘Captain Socialism,’ Claims New Ploy Against Conservatives In Immigration Debate [VIDEO]

Over the past few months, Marvel Comic has gone through a major overhaul in its characters, from the female Thor to the Korean-American Hulk and even a Latino Spider-Man, as they introduced the "All-New, All-Different Marvel" with relaunches - and the new Sam Wilson-starring Avenger isn't to everyone's liking, as "Captain America" and Fox feud.

Last week, the comic book giant released the first issue of Sam Wilson as Captain America, after the character has up to now been Falcon, played by Anthony Mackie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe; in the story, the first Avenger fights anti-immigration villains, which has made "Captain America" a Fox enemy.

According to Vulture, in the new issue, Sam Wilson's Captain America fights the Sons of the Serpent, a longtime Marvel terrorist that opposes anyone who isn't white and Christian and has since it was first introduced in the 1960s, although as these days it's targeting immigrants at the Mexico border, the portrayal has made Captain America Fox enemies.

Comic Book Resources reports that the Captain America Fox issue surfaced only a few days after the release of the first issue of the character's new role, when Fox News show "Fox & Friends" debated on the villains depicted on the new comic book issue, saying that after Captain America had fought outside menaces for decades, it was "a little bit of a PR stunt" from Marvel to have one of its biggest superheroes, as well as the ultimate American hero, battling Conservatives standing up against immigration.

On the Captain America Fox News claims, Clayton Morris complained that instead of "punching Hitler in the face," the new issue of the comic book was fighting "an American who has misgivings about unlimited illegal immigration" while turning the character into evil over this stand on the immigration debate.

According to Raw Story, the comic book specifies that the Supreme Serpent is actually a White Supremacist and not a "conservative; in any case, you can directly watch the "Captain America" Fox debate in the clip below.