Apr 15, 2013 10:08 AM EDT
Frozen Food Companies Seeking New Way to Market Products

The American Frozen Food Institute (AFFI) and the Frozen Food Roundtable (FFR) are currently in search of a new way to market their products to consumers according to ADAge.com.

According to research by AFFI and FFR, two coalitions which represent food companies such as ConAgra, General Mills, H.J. Heinz, Kellog Co., Nestle USA and retailer Walmart, 98 percent of frozen food products are currently experiencing a decline in sales.

In response, the frozen food behemoths have sought out the help of public relations giant, McCann Erickson, in order to launch a multi-million dollar ad campaign, "whose goal is to warm consumers to the frozen-food isle," according to ADAge.

The decline in sales in frozen foods could be due to more health-conscious buyers who are aware of the high sodium, fat, saturated fat and sugar content. Preservatives are also a common reason consumers are steering clear of frozen items.

In a document obtained by AdAge, the groups said they are looking at "proposals for the development of a consumer-facing campaign designed to change the way consumers think and feel about frozen food by promoting positive messaging regarding the benefits and attributes of frozen foods."

ConAgra has already begun rejuvenating their product lines of Healthy Choice and Marie Callender's by launching marketing campaigns to help consumers "better understand the benefits of frozen meals and experience frozen foods in a new way," according to a statement obtained by AdAge.

One of the groups' tactics has been to scale down prices, but the companies are still facing deficits in volume and sales according to Bernstein Research.

According to AdAge, the overall campaign will cost approximately $50 million and will be aimed primarily at the baby-boomer, millennial and Hispanic demographics.