Jul 13, 2015 09:00 AM EDT
Gulliermo Del Toro Pitches Star Wars Movie about Jabba the Hutt, Cites 'The Godfather' as Inspiration

Hot on the heels of the announcement that Han Solo will be getting his own Star Wars Anthology spinoff, filmmaker Guillermo Del Toro has pitched his own idea for an origin story. Del Toro's dream Star Wars project will feature another of the saga's iconic characters, the galactic crime lord Jabba the Hutt.

At this year's San Diego Comic Con, which took place over the weekend, Yahoo! Movies Khail Anonymous asked the Mexican director what his ideal Star Wars film might be. Del Toro then gave a breakdown of a hypothetical Jabba The Hutt centred triptych of movies, patterned after another iconic crime saga, Francis Ford Coppola's Godfather Trilogy. He says:

"I would do the sort of Godfather saga that Jabba the Hutt had to go through to gain control. One, because it's the character that looks the most like me, and I like him. I love the idea of a Hutt type of mafia, a very complex coup. I just love the character."

Del Toro does lower fan's expectations, saying that this is just him speaking as a lover of Star Wars and that no deals have been made for him to come aboard and direct anything:

"This is not real, this is me as a fat geek just geeking out and talking about it." He tells Yahoo.

Cinema Blend's Mike Reyes further fleshed out Del Toro's pitch, noting how Jabba would slot in perfectly with the aforementioned Han Solo standalone film and a possible Boba Fett spinoff:

With Boba Fett and Han Solo already being prime candidates for Star Wars Anthology pictures, it would make complete sense to link the two stories together through their common link. Considering Han Solo would owe Jabba The Hutt a debt so great that Boba Fett would collect his frozen body as a trophy for the underworld kingpin, the story of that debt's origin could be touched upon through the three standalone films. 

It certainly sounds like a promising idea. Let's hope Disney and Lucasfilm considering bringing Jabba to the bigscreen.