Jun 11, 2015 07:55 AM EDT
Facebook Messenger Turns Into Gaming Platform

Facebook has confirmed that the Messenger will now have a gaming platform as it has launched its first official game, Doodle Draw. They had originally released the first set of apps for the Messenger platform back in March this year, but no games were included.

This early round of apps were mostly for sharing GIFS, still images, and videos with friends, which makes the introduction of the game improve a user's chatting experience.

Doodle Draw, a take on Pictionary, is a game where one person draws something and the other has to guess what it is. This game was a big hit to the world back in 2012.

Last May, the number one social media platform was in active conversations with developers to create games for the Messenger platform. The negotiation resulted in the development of Doodle Draw, which is just the first of many games that will be made for Messenger.

Before the Messenger was launched, Facebook was interested in expanding a better set of experiences for the consumers, such as utilities and games, if they show great results. Last month, they announced that they were considering that games would be perfect for Messenger.

"Currently, we think Messenger Platform is best suited for apps that focus on content creation and curated content. But one of the reasons we were excited to announce at F8 that Messenger Platform is open to all developers is to see what people build. From there, we'll think about what else might make sense," Facebook said.

Josh Constantine, senior writer of TechCrunch is worried that Messenger would become another home for spam just like how apps like Farmville affected Facebook.

Constantine also explained that it's not difficult to imagine that Messenger will be overrun with spamming games if they will not do anything to prevent this.

It might be great that Facebook Messenger now has a gaming platform, but it also means that there will be more annoying invitations and notifications - the downside of the new feature.