May 16, 2015 12:29 PM EDT
Ariel Winter 2015: ‘Modern Family’ Alex Dunphy EMANCIPATED From Abusive Mother – Find Out What Led To Ariel Winter 2015 Emancipation!

Having played an adorable and very sarcastic know-it-all in one of the most popular and well reviewed shows on television since she was just a child, Ariel Winter's 2015 news come as a result of years of court struggles, in a battle that began when she was removed from her mother's house after allegations of physical and emotional abuse.

In fact, Ariel Winter's 2015 has been a big year for the 17 year-old actress, as she recently went to prom with her boyfriend Laurent Claude Gaudette, posting pictures on her Instagram of how beautiful she looked alongside her beau as well as with her father, who escorted her to the big night!

Now, Ariel Winter's 2015 also sees the young star relieved of what seemed like a never-ending problem, according to People Magazine, as the actress who plays Alex Dunphy announced through Twitter that she was finally emancipated from her mother last Friday.

"I'm really lucky I have an amazing support system and lovely people in my life who have given me the support and guidance to have been given this wonderful opportunity," the actress tweeted, according to E! Online, making the grand Ariel Winter 2015 announcement. "Most importantly I want to thank @shanelle_gray and my father for their special support regarding this matter, I really couldn't have done it without them."

According to The Daily Mail, while it's Ariel Winter's 2015 seeing the end of her own custody battle, the minor (who won't reach 18 until January 28 next year) was removed from the home of her mother, Chrisoula Workman, when allegations surfaced that the young actress was being abused.

Her older sister, Shanelle Gray, filed to become Winter's legal guardian until she could be emancipated, and then her brother Jimmy filed for the same in 2013; however, guardianship was granted to Shanelle, permanently removing Winter from her mother's custody.

Congratulations on Ariel Winter's 2015 emancipation!