Dec 15, 2014 08:27 AM EST
Diet Update: Low-Fat Diet Can Beat Women's Breast Cancer

Researchers are saying that a low-fat diet can help women fight off certain types of breast cancer as reducing the amount of fat in the food they eat will result to many benefits.

A research has been revealed on Friday about women possibly extending their lifespan who are suffering from the disease that has been one of the main causes of women's death.

The results and findings were reportedly based on data from patients who are suffering from breast cancer but are still at an early stage. They volunteered for the "Women's Intervention Nutrition Study" and the sample population had to undergo surgical treatments such as hormone therapy, chemotherapy and radiation.

According to the study, there were 2,437 women who participated in the study where 975 of them were assigned to try and change their food and diet. These 975 women were asked to get 15% only of the calories they need from foods that contain fat.

Fort these women to be able to reach their goals, they had to undergo eight individual counselling sessions for four months and had to consult with their assigned dietitians once in three months.

The study began with both groups of women getting at least 29.6 percent of their needed calories from fat. It has been found out that the women who were asked to eat a low-fat diet lowered the calories they get from fat at 23 percent. However, for women who were not asked to eat a low-fat diet skyrocketed their percentage at 31.4 percent.

The research was studied for six years and they also found out that the women who were on a low-fat diet lost six pounds and resulted to achieving a mortality rate of 13.6 percent as compared to the other group who had a total of 17 percent.

The study about the link between breast cancer and low-fat diet was conducted by researchers from the Los Angeles BioMedical Research Institute located at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center and Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital in Boston.