Dec 09, 2014 01:23 PM EST
Connor Franta, YouTube Sensation, Came Out As Gay To The Online World [VIDEO]

Connor Franta Gay - Connor Franta, the 22 year-old YouTube sensation took the opportunity to share an important message with all his followers: the fact that he's gay.

The reason why Connor Franta is so well-known in YouTube is the fact that he has a certain pace in his videos and particular humor, which make him relatable and "adorable" to most of his fans.

He's had the vlog account since 2010 and stated that he shares far too many personal information with his followers and he simply didn't want to continue hiding one important matter about his persona.

"2014 is the year I've accepted who I am and become truly happy with that person," was one of the first phrases he uttered to broach the subject.

Then he explained how it all began and when he was 12 years old he actually wondered if he might be gay. But because of coming from a small town and not knowing a lot of other gay people, he decided to "forget" it and "let it pass."

Only that it didn't. And once he started college, he started becoming obsessed with the issue, until he tried to admit the words to himself in front of a mirror.

"I just tried to say it... but, I couldn't say it. Like, I wasn't capable of saying it. My mouth could not utter those words. Until, one day, I did. And I felt a mixture of every emotion possible," MTV noted.

Then he went on by saying a very inspiring statement:

"This is just one little part of who I am. I'm not going to let my sexuality define or confine me. It's part of me, not all of me."

And to finish, the best quote probably was this one:

"Race, gender, religion, sexuality... We are all people, that's it. We're all people, we're all equal. I don't want anyone to be afraid. I don't want anyone to hold back who they are."

Connor Franta certainly was successful at delivering yet once again a significant and memorable video, only that for different reasons than the usual: to show exactly who he is, which includes being gay, and that's a lot more than okay.