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5 Amazing Smoothies for Anytime of the Day

Smoothies might be a great way to start your day, but nowadays they are not only restricted to breakfast.
  • Mathematicians Invent Infinite Number of Ways to Slice Pizza

    Two mathematicians discover and invent a scientific way to slice pizza into more than 12 slices. Who would've imagined that there would be a science to slicing pizza? As far as any pizza lover knows, it's sliced into at least 8 pieces shaped in a humongous triangle.
  • Trader Joe's Recall: Raw Cashew Pieces 'Possibly' Contaminated with Salmonella

    Trader Joe announces recall over cashew nuts distributed in over 30 states. The said product is possibly contaminated with salmonella.
  • Kohlrabi: Interesting Facts about the Trending Veggie [Video]

    If you’ve trying out exciting new foods, then here’s a new vegetable which is not only tasty, but also comes with great health benefits and a member of the cabbage family!
  • Free Burrito: Chipotle to Offer Food on the House in Hopes of Regaining New Customers

    In hopes of regaining new customers, Chipotle is offering free burritos. Dates for the said giveaway are yet to be announced.
  • Bet You Didn't Know That! 5 Surprising Benefits of Pineapple

    When talking about pineapple, most people would only think about its fiber-enriched goodness (as advertised by your favorite pineapple juice brand) and not much else. But did you know that there's more to this prickly super fruit than its tummy-cleansing benefits?
  • NFL Fans: The Most Popular Beer and Liquor of Every Team

    It is impossible for one to watch a match on a Sunday afternoon without a can of beer. NFL fans, here's the list of the most popular beer and liquor for each team.
  • Jennifer Aniston is 'Revited' with The Taco Cleanse

    But, you'll be surprised that The Taco Cleanse is beginning to sweep the Hollywood one by one. Jennifer Aniston is just like everyone of us; delighted to know that such diet exists.
  • The Proper Way of Making Tea, According to the Brits

    Because tea means serious business. Do you know how can you make drinking tea classier? Do it the way Brits do. This may surprise you but there is actually a British manual in preparing the good old classy black tea.
  • 8 Food Myths to Bust This Year

    It's 2016, it's time to let some old, baseless food rumors be forgotten as the year that was 2015 and recognize the ones that are worth the hype.The Guardian looked beyond the biggest food trends of the year.
  • Would You Eat Pizza Every Day For One Year? Well, He Did!

    For many, eating pizza everyday for one year seems like the dream. Who doesn't love pizza? What's not to love? But for Kyle Feeney, pizza everyday for one year has a more meaningful reason; not just a dare or a bet.Last January 1, 2016, he successfully fulfilled his vow of eating pizza for each day of the year, eating 356, no more no less. Well, maybe there's more.
  • Coca Cola Soon To Run Healthy Carbonated Fruit Drinks Line?

    Beverage giant Coca Cola may be looking to expand its line of drinks to include carbonated fruit juice products with 20 percent real juice content by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research unit Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI). The carbonated fruit juice products based on grape, apple and pomegranate developed by CFTRI has a four-month shelf life and is replete with health benefits that have strong potentials in the wellness and healthy options market.
  • 6 Trending Foods You Have To Watch Out For in 2016

    Now that 2015 is over, we look forward to what 2016 will bring. Of course, there's nothing satisfying than thinking about the latest goodies that will satisfy our taste buds. 2016 will bring upon food that'll make you crave, regardless of how bizarre they may be! Read on and find out for yourself if you do not believe it.
  • Coffee Surplus and Shortages: Global Projections

    Production surplus from coffee growers as Brazil, Honduras and Columbia due to good farming and harvest conditions may see coffee prices dropping for a bit of a spell. In other parts of the world, however, premium variety coffee beans are facing a crisis of shortage.
  • 8 Inspiring Lessons From Street Food Vendors

    Originally published in, Maheima Kapu shares 8 of gathered stories and insights from food vendors that will surely inspire you and definitely leave you a lesson and realization.
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