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ConAgra Foods Recalls More Than 54,673 Pounds of Misbranded Chicken Noodle Soup
Mediterranean Diet Linked to Lower Risk of Heart Disease in Young Workers
Want a healthier heart? Then you may want to stick with the Mediterranean diet. Want a healthier heart? Then you may want to stick with the Mediterranean diet. Marijuana Edibles May Impact Health: Food in Colorado is Going to Pot
The food in Colorado is going to pot--literally. Retailers across the state are baking marijuana into foods that range from brownies to candies to cookies to granola bars. Sugar Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Disease: Sweet Treats May Kill You
Do you like sugary sweets like cookies, soda, cake and candy? Then you may be setting yourself up for heart disease. Scientists have discovered that increased consumption of added sugar is associated with an increased risk for death from cardiovascular disease (CVD). Discover How One Mother Lost Astounding 145 Pounds Thanks to a Coupon and Boot Camp
It's an unending struggle for some--the weight game. Yet there are some who are winning. Torrie Creamer, a mother from Virginia, managed to drop an astounding 145 pounds--all with the help of boot camp and some dieting. Third-Hand Smoke is just as Deadly: Smoking Impact on Health
It turns out that it's not just second-hand smoke that you need to worry about. Third-hand smoke can also be an issue, and is just as deadly as first-hand smoke. Fast Food Meals Bump up Your BMI by .03 Each Time: Avoid that Burger
Everyone knows that fast food is less than good for you. Greasy burgers and fries can help pack on the pounds. Now, scientists have found that a person's BMI increases by .03 every time they eat fast food. Medical Marijuana Shops in Massachusetts May Open This Summer
Massachusetts may be getting some medical marijuana dispensers by this summer. State public health officials have officially awarded the first 20 licenses to operate medical marijuana dispensaries. Parents Play Major Role in Children's Obesity: Food Relationships from Parental Behavior
Scientists have discovered that parents can play a huge role in their child's risk for obesity, revealing that it may be possible to help stop the tide of obesity through parent behavior. Babies Know Plants are Food: Children Watch Adult Reactions
Scientists have discovered that babies tend to expect that plants are food sources, but only after an adult shows them that the food is safe to eat. Vodka Kills Russian Men: Alcohol to Blame for High Death Risk
You may want to avoid the vodka in the future. It turns out that Russian men who down large amounts of the beverage have an "extraordinarily" high risk of early death. Testosterone Supplements Linked to Risk of Heart Attack in Men
Testosterone supplements may not be as safe as previously thought. It turns out that men taking treatments for boosting low testosterone levels may actually have an increased risk of heart attacks. Teens that Avoid a Healthy Breakfast May Develop Metabolic Syndrome
Want to be healthier? Eat a nutritious breakfast. Scientists have now found that eating in the morning is more important than ever. It turns out that teenagers who consume a poor breakfast actually display a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome 27 years later. Child Peanut Allergy 'Breakthrough' Helps Kids Beat Fatal Symptoms
Peanut allergies can be life threatening to some--especially in children. Now, though, scientists may have uncovered a way to beat this allergy. They've found that oral immunotherapy (OIT) for children's peanut allergy may be a safe and effective way to help combat the allergy. Obesity as a Disease: Message May Undermine Healthy Behaviors in the Overweight
Labeling obesity as a disease may not be the best decision. Scientists have discovered that messages that describe obesity as a disease may actually undermine healthy behaviors and beliefs among obese individuals. The findings reveal a bit more about the psychology behind obesity.