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UN Warns Food Security at Risk in Asia-Pacific as World Population Swells
Serious Diarrheal Infection in Kids Caused by Prescribed Antibiotics: Dangers of Overprescription
Antibiotics may not be the cure-all that everyone thinks they are. It turns out that most cases of severe and potentially fatal diarrhea illness in children are caused by an infection picked up outside of the hospital after patients have taken prescribed antibiotics. Food Stamp Cuts? Use in Delaware Tripled Over 10 Years
It turns out that the number of state residents receiving food stamps has nearly tripled over the past 10 years in Delaware. Lack of Sleep Linked to Obesity in Teens and Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Diseases
A new study reveals that lack of sleep could be linked with obesity in teens--and an increased risk of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Facebook Use Linked to Eating Disorders in College Women
How often are you on Facebook? The social media site could actually be contributing to unhealthy eating habits. A new study reveals that college women who use Facebook are more likely to have disordered eating habits. Vitamin D May Combat Breast Cancer: Increased Patient Survival
Breast cancer still affects women and men across the United States. Now, though, a new study has shown that vitamin D may give those affected by breast cancer a better chance at surviving the disease. Oscar Mayer Creates Sizzling Bacon Scented Alarm that Wakes You Up with Your iPhone
How much do you love bacon? Would you want to wake up to the smell of it every morning? If rising to the scent of sizzling meat is your dream, then Oscar Mayer may have made your wish come true. Clean Drinking Water Created with New, Cheap Wood Filter
Clean drinking water is crucial for the health and wellbeing of people across the globe. Now, researchers have created a simple water filter that could revolutionize the way people can access clean drinking water. Rare Skin Infection Traced to NYC Fish Markets in Chinatown
You may want to hold of going to that New York City fish market. Officials have announced that at least 30 people who handled fresh fish or seafood at Chinese markets in the city ended up with a gruesome skin rash. World Health Organization Advises Halving Sugar Intake to Six Teaspoons
How much sugar should you be eating? Apparently your sugar intake needs be halved, according to the new World Health Organization guidelines. Snails in France Threatened by New Guinea Flatworm: Good-Bye to Escargot
Do you like eating escargot? You may want to get it now before it's all gone. Researchers have found that one of the worst invasive species in the world is impacting snails in France, which could mean that escargot could soon be off the menu. Too Much Protein Linked to Early Death: Eating Meat and Cheese as Bad as Smoking
Do you like meat, cheese and milk? You might want to think twice before eating so much of it. A new study reveals that eating a high-protein diet could be just as deadly as smoking cigarettes. Children's Weight and Obesity Impacted by Bedroom TV and Video Games
Does your child have a TV in their bedroom? It could be causing them to gain weight. Two new studies have shown how technology can impact your child's level of obesity. Students Eat More Fruits and Veggies at Schools with New USDA Guidelines
Could our children be choosing healthier menu items? That might just be the case. Could our children be choosing healthier menu items? That might just be the case. USDA Adds New Foods to Program for Moms and Children: Fresh Fruits and Veggies
Women and children who rely on the government's WIC program may be getting a few more menu choices. The U.S. Department of Agriculture finalized changes to the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children.