What Food Contribute to Weight Gain in Children?
Have We Lost our Ability to Sit Quietly?
The real question is, do we know what rest really is? For a number of people it means surfing the internet or sitting in front of the TV. For some it may be spending time in the garden or in the gym. Fact: Americans Love Red, Processed Meat More Than Ever
According to data from a research market firm the NPD Group, the consumption of processed and red meat and many other animal related proteins stayed the same and didn't even move an inch. In fact, Americans these days opt to have more processed meat than they did dozens of years ago. There's Fish Gut in your Guinness All This Time
Find out why Guinness has a smooth texture when you drink it. Drinking has always been known as a way to relieve stress and sometimes to strengthen family bonds. Brain Drills Boosts Memory and Performance of Daily Tasks in Older People
According to a recent study published in JAMDA, playing online games that tests the reasoning and memory skills - brain training - could have essential advantages for older people in their day to day lives. The Secret to Boosting Sex Life is the Equal Split of Housework
Gone are the commonplace ideas of boosting intimacy with oysters and date nights. Gone are the commonplace ideas of boosting intimacy. A study by family ecology professor Dr Matt Johnson of the Department of Human Ecology at the University of Alberta found, instead, that the frequency and satisfaction level of a couple's sex life is directly down to the equal sharing of housework between men and women. Why Don't Sleepwalkers Feel Any Pain?
In a study on somnambulism where the sleepwalkers experienced at least one instance of injury, 79 percent of the sleepwalkers continued sleeping unaware of their injury. Shizuoka City Launches Free Mobile Wi-Fi Router-Lending Service
Tourists can now enjoy free internet service in Shizuoka City. Technology has quickly changed how we people we live our lives. Both young and old people can't live without internet. Why Choose High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) for Your Workout
With many people wanting to be healthy and physically fit, gyms around America are adopting a physical fitness program that according to experts is effective- Interval training. The Sex Talk Reduces Risky Sexual Behavior Among Teens
For some reason, dads and teenagers always dread conversations about sex the most. But actually, parents must know that this is probably what their children need to stay safe. A new research from North Carolina State University concludes that parents (especially moms) talking with their children about the "birds and the bees" may actually make their children practise safe sex and use condoms. Falls and Fractures in Elderly People Linked to Muscle Loss
According to research conducted by the University of Southampton, older people with an age-related loss of muscle mass and strength may be at higher risk of falling and bone fractures. Want a Healthier Baby? Feed Him Homemade Baby Food
Homemade Baby Food is the Best Choice Being parents, most of them worry about a lot of things but one thing makes the top of their list, it's how to feed their children nutritious and healthy food. Pit Viper Killed by 17-Month Old Baby in Brazil
He was playing in the garden with the family dog when Lorenzo suddenly became quiet. His mother noticed the silence and became concerned. Protein Emphasis on Brain Scans Discovered
Scientists have identified a way to emphasize a protein on brain scans so the edges of a tumor can be recognized more precisely. Peru's Witch Market Offers Strange Comfort Food Like Frog Smoothies
The Peruvian frog smoothie is controversial to the rest of the world but a cure-all in Peru. Folk medicine and magic. These are just a couple of things you can find in the Witches Market in Lima, Peru.