Regular Exercise Makes the Body Function Properly
Combat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder with Exercise
PTSD is a term we usually hear when someone experienced something traumatic, stressful and sometimes life changing situations. These people are then directed to a therapist and some other drugs. According to Brisbane Times, there is a study that says that exercise can be a treatment for PTSD. Happiness - Lesser in Adults Beyond 30
Are you happy? If you're in your 30s or older, a recent study has found that you're less presumably to answer "yes" than your parents were. Hearing Loss in 1 of 5 by 2035 in the UK
By the year 2035, a projection of over 15 million people in the UK will be suffering from hearing loss, tinnitus and deafness. Are Younger People More Susceptible to Jealousy Than Older People?
A new study showed that younger people, particularly under the age of thirty, are more jealous of their colleagues than those of older generation. New Study Teaches Ways to Stop Bingeing
A recent study shows how weekends destroy a person’s diet and why regular bingeing is bad for your health. As always been taught by a lot of people, prevention is always the cure. So before weekend comes again, these ways could lead to self-control and over indulging. Research Shows Exercising During Work Hours Makes Employees Happy, Inspired and Energized
Study shows that exercising at work make employees more productive, happier and suffer less stress. Happy employees create happy a working environment that could result to a happy work life. Things You Didn’t Know About Appendicitis
Some common facts you might not know about appendicitis There may be a good chance that this is not the first time you've heard about appendectomy. Spontaneous Human Combustion Victim Dies
Despite the rescuer's heroic efforts, the woman was quite severely burned. She was immediately rushed by air ambulance to a specialist burns unit in Lübeck where she remained in critical condition until she passed away. Eating Fry- up Before Drinking Can Minimize Hangover
Drinking too much alcohol could lead to throwing up and hangovers. Some believe a meal filled with fried food could prevent it from happening. But an expert says only if it’s consumed before drinking. Say Goodbye to Winter Blues with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
SAD causes depression in the winter months, but this can be prevented with the help of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Balloon You can Swallow Fights Obesity
This may become the newest trend on how to lose wieght. Losing weght has always been a struggle for those who hate exercise. Well, now with the advancement of science, there might be a solution to that. Study Shows that Too Little Sleep Can Give a Higher Risk of Diabetes and Chronic Renal Disease
Study Shows that Too Little Sleep Can Give a Higher Risk of Diabetes and Chronic Renal Disease Are you tired from always not being able to sleep enough? If you are, then you need to understand that having at least 5 hours or less of sleep,it can raise the chances of having chronic diseases such as diabetes and chronic renal disease. 'The Walking Dead': A Real Syndrome
A rare mental disorder that is associated with schizophrenia, clinical depresssion and psychosis causes individuals to think they are dead. What is Driving the Obesity Epidemic in the U.S.?
Researchers found out that obesity is not because of fast foods and junk foods. Regardless of their bad reputation, junk food, fast food and soda are not the major cause of the obesity epidemic in the United States, Cornell University researchers argue.