Canine CellMates: Prison Inmates Given Dogs As Cellmates - You'll Never Guess the Results! [VIDEO]
US Army Now Has Mind Reading Technology
The US Army is developing new mind-reading technology for intelligence services. The US Army has successfully completed tests on one of the newest additions to its arsenal. Dark Side of Almond Milk Begs the Question: Is it Worth Drinking?
It makes sense to consider almond milk is packed with healthy properties. But critics are raising concerns about the hefty environmental impact of almond milk consumption. Ed Sheeran Deterred From Drugs By Elton John
The 24-year old "Thinking Out Loud" hit-maker didn't deny talking to Elton and admits his friend has deterred him from taking the illegal substances. Sen. Charles Schumer: Caffeinated Peanut Butter Raises Health Concerns
Reports about a caffeinated peanut butter called STEEM started circulating the web earlier last month. However CBS New York reports that U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer wants the Food and Drug Administration to investigate the new caffeinated peanut butter that seems to target athletic and fitness market. Fast Food Workers Set For The Biggest Strike on Tuesday
Fast food workers' plead to increase the minimum wage to $15/hr has escalated into a 300-city wide hike, the largest nationwide strike across the country. As reported in USA Today, fast food workers will walk out at 6am on Tuesday in the hopes to sway influence the $15/hr wage and sway the 2016 presidential election. Oprah Winfrey Defends The Kardashians After Rebel Wilson Slammed Reality Stars For Being 'Talentless'
In a new interview, the queen of talk show television, Oprah Winfrey, reveals that she’s Team Kardashian in this new Hollywood beef. Junk Food and Soda Not Sole Culprit For American Obesity Says Cornell Study
Bags of chips, sugary sodas, and high calorie fast-food aren't the sole reason for America's fast rising obesity problem. Adults with Autism: Boosting Confidence with an Exercise Program
The University of Calgary paved the way for a special program for people with autism. In that place, they can perform a series of circuit workout and drills which can make them feel more comfortable and at ease. Pizza Hut Rolls Out Triple Treat Box for the Holidays
The new Triple Treat Box from Pizza Hut is a family meal like no other. Pizza Hut just introduced something special for the holiday season. It is called the Triple Treat Box and it promises to put a whole new meaning to the term "family size. 'Jane the Virgin' Finally Chooses Between Rafael and Michael [SPOILERS]
Jane the Virgin finally chooses between her two lovers Rafael and Michael. Jane the Virgin finally chooses between her two lovers Rafael and Michael. Gina Rodriguez, playing the role of the virgin mom Jane chose her ex-boyfriend Michael whom she broke up before because he lied to her. Starbucks Honors its U.S. Military Employees with Free College Tuition
By paying for their tuition fees to pursue a college degree, the current or former military members can now send their family to college at Arizona State University’s online program. Starbucks made an announcement on Monday. Watch This Jetpacked Pilot Fly Near the Statue of Liberty in New York City [VIDEOS]
Watch David Mayman fly near Liberty Island. Just last week, it was reported that two men, ex-fighter pilot Yves Rossy (also known as Jetman) and parachuter Vince Reffet strapped on their jetpacks and flew in formation with an Emirates Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger airliner over in Dubai. Why You Should Serve Your Food Hot - How Serving Temperature Affects Your Food
Eating your food while it's still hot is the best time to eat it - find out why. Most foodies like you prefer foods that are served hot. Of course, except for those foods that are best served when they are cold. Opposite Sex Siblings Have More Confidence in Building Relationships From Adolescence to Adulthood
This study shows that sibling experiences are important in the social development process. Growing up with a sibling of the opposite sex may have more benefits than we think.