Teenage Brain Development May Be the Issue Behind Tendency to 'Ignore' Parents: Music May Enhance Brain Development
Get to Know More About Dopamine and Its Connection With Learning
Dopamine plays an important role in several brain functions, including learning and memory. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is activated when we experience pleasure. Thanksgiving: How it Started and Why America Still Celebrates the Occasion Today
A new finding revealed that the very first Thanksgiving celebration happened 50 years earlier from that time. Here are some facts about where it originates and the reason why it's being honored up to this time. Greater Heights: Bezos' Success With New Shepard
Jeff Bezos, CEO of, announced the successful flight of New Shepard. The 2 main parts of the space craft, its capsule and propulsion unit, safely landed as claimed by Bezos' company. Science Explains Why We Really Love Celebrity Gossip
Our appetite for celebrity gossip is still unsatisfiable, which isn't exactly surprising. Considering it's a combination of our two favorite things: fame and bad news, we still read these write-ups. How Folic Acid Enriched Bread and Flour Can Deflect Birth Defects
Bread and flour with a special infusion of folic acid is the recommended workaround by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) to encourage folic acid intake among women and prevent neural tube birth defects among newborns. Genetically Modified Flies: An Apparent Solution for Australia's Problem with Destructive Species
Australia chose to conduct trials using an insect which is genetically modified, with the purpose of managing a harmful pest. These flies were manufactured by Oxitec, a British company. Older Women: The Modern Image of Eating Disorders
A study released in the International Journal of Eating Disorders found that 13% of women age 50 and older revealed that they are experiencing signs of eating problems such as bingeing, purging, diet pills consumption or doing extreme exercises to drop pounds. Global Warming: Top 5 Countries Most Responsible for Global Warming, COP21 Paris Climate Conference This November
While the COP21 Paris Climate Conference this November is expected to have a positive tone, the need for a global agreement toward saving the planet grows increasingly urgent. Foremost from these 5 highest contributing countries to global warming. What's with Airline Food and Why do They Taste Like Cardboard? Science Explains Why
According to Market Watch, customers usually find airline food lacking flavors, even saying that this type of food tastes like cardboard. A New Study Shows Adding Seaweed to Daily Meals Can Make the Body Healthy
Many food experts recommend eating seaweed every day. Yes, you got that right - seaweed. Looking out for your health is always a priority. That's why a lot of people these days are conscious about what they eat, and careful with every calorie that goes into their bodies. “Miss Holocaust Survivor”: Victims of War turned Beauty Queens
Nothern Israel has found a new, and controversial, way of honoring the women who survived the Holocaust: by giving them a beauty pageant title. 11 Simple Ways to Prevent Ageing
Ageing is of the most common problems many people are having a hard time trying to avoid. Ageing is of the most common problems of many people are having a hard time trying to avoid. Joe Still Hopes For 'Jonas Brother's Reunion'
Joe, has is not losing hope to perform with his brothers Nick and Kevin again after disbanding in 2013. Corey Taylor of 'Slipknot' Sings Radiohead's 'Creep' With Japanese Band SIM
Corey Taylor joined the Japanese alternative metal band Silence iz Mine (also known as SIM) on stage at the Ozzfest Japan at Makuhari Messe Arena - to perform a cover version of Radiohead's song "Creep".