Fight Bloating And Flatten Your Stomach With These Foods

Everyone loves to have a flat stomach. But unfortunately for some, this task is so hard to do. After a night of partying, drinking, and eating, bloating usually happens next. But how will you deal with bloating to flatten your stomach?

Eat these foods that are proven to fight bloating and flatten your stomach.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is very useful in treating bloating by diluting it with water. The right proportion is one tablespoon to a glass of water that must be taken just before meals.

Herbal Tea

Chamomile, lemon balm and peppermint are herbal teas that aids in preventing bloating after a heavy meal.


This "Fruit of Angels" contains papain, a protein-digesting enzyme that can help you get flat stomach and prevents bloating. However, green papaya has higher papain content than the ripe one. Why not add grated papaya on top of your salads?


Avocado contains the digestive enzyme lipase that is responsible in breaking fats. Avocado helps you eliminate foods from your tract to ensure that you fight bloating to have flatter stomach.


Ginger is powerful carminative that aids in digestion and avoids incidence of gas formation or bloating. It also helps in relieving abdominal gas pains.


Pineapple is known to treat bloating. It has bromelin, the enzyme that helps in the digestive process. Bromelin breaks down protein that can get rid of bloating.

Banana is a food that can fight bloating and can flatten your stomach. Potassium in the banana helps drain the water out from the cells that causes bloating.


Watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew contains 92 percent water that are natural diuretics. As these fruits can help you pee again and again, it draws out the excess water that causes bloating in your stomach.

Aside from eating these foods, health experts advise to manage your stress carefully. Stress triggers the production of cortisol that works by storing excess fat in the abdomen.

It is also good if you eat foods that are good sources of probiotics. Probiotics take out the bad bacteria in the stomach that causes bloating and therefore will help you have a flat stomach.

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