Jennifer Aniston's Diet And Weight Loss Secrets Revealed by Her Trainer

Jennifer Aniston's stunning style and aura can be attributed to her well-toned body and amazing figure. The star's trainer, Mandy Ingber, revealed Aniston's fave ritual that keeps her in shape.

Ingban never runs out of flowery words to describe Aniston, for she can hardly believe that it will work that effectively with the star's physical make-up. First, yoga creates a holistic transformation inside and out, making the person moves with such awesome grace. Not to mention that Ingban believes that Aniston is simply wonderful.

The celebrity goes on workout thrice a week, starting with cardio, then yoga for relaxation and concentration exercises and third is the top calorie burner, spinning for about 20-25 minutes.

Of this routine, Kpopstarz revealed that Aniston loves the yoga. 45-mins yoga is always at the start of the training, including 'standing poses.' She likes half-moon pose, like tree, and warrior III.

Yoga has anti-aging elements on top of helping a person lose weight because it relieves stress and puts emphasis on one's consciousness.

Ingban said, "The idea of mindfulness and slowing down long enough to be present to the body helps to regulate your appetite and knowing when to stop." She added further that, "Yoga encourages you to make healthier choices. It regulates hormones, metabolism, the digestive system and the nervous system, which decreases stress."

Aniston's ideal weight is around 110-113 pounds. Usually celebrities go for famous diet plans such as Paleo and Atkins, but in the case of Aniston, she is not into a specific diet. In fact she craves for bagels and bread particularly on weekends but she always keeps a watchful eye on her carb consumption.

The major components of her diet and pound-shedding regimen are yoga, foods high in protein, low-carb foods and meditation. With all of these present, Aniston can enjoy a fit and trim figure.

She combats the signs of aging by taking plenty of water, managing stress well through yoga and meditation, and as much as possible junk foods are not part of her diet.

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