Man Saves Infant In Submerged Car: [VIDEO + REPORT] Modern Good Samaritans Saved Baby from Drowning

Man saves infant submerged car- Man from Maine saves infant in submerged car in Kossuth Township, roughly 175 miles Northeast of Portland on Monday night.

The man saves the infant in submerged car by diving in the cold icy water and using a knife to remove the seat strap holding the 3-month baby at the back of the SUV.

The man behind the heroic act was identified as Leo Moody, 44, a logger from Maine. Moody was on his way home on Monday when he witnessed the SUV tossed on the icy road in Route 6.

Stephen McGouldrick, the driver of the SUV lost control of the car, until it rolled on the road and submerged in two and half feet water.

Before heading to the shallow iced water, Moody immediately called 911. He dived into the water without hesitation to save the people in the SUV. One of the women in the SUV told Moody that her baby was at the backseat.

Although Moody felt that his hands were getting numb due to the below freezing temperature, his faith to rescue the baby comes before anything else. As quickly as he can, the man saves the infant in submerged car by cutting the car straps at the seat.

Apparently, another man saves the infant from the submerged car. The time Moody got the baby from the SUV, Wade Shorey, the other passersby was there and performed CPR to the baby.

At first, the baby was not breathing and unresponsive, and after CPR for a minute or two, the baby responded by crying. She was rushed immediately to Eastern Maine Medical Center for examination.

Shorey, the other man who saves the infant in submerged car is a forester who took a refresher course in CPR during spring.

Shorey described the baby with blue lips and has a complexion of a pale doll when he received her from Moody. He resuscitated and was able to bring her back. Shorey, was hailed as a hero the "man who saves the infant from submerged car."

He claimed that he is not a hero, and he just did what he needs to do at that time.

McGouldrick, and the two other women in the car sustained minor injuries.

Moody and Shorey, the men who save the baby in the submerged SUV are the modern good Samaritans who still consider helping others their priority.

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