Gordon Ramsay Fake Reservations: No Show at Grand Opening Shocks Celebrity Chef, Blames Competitor Chef

Gordon Ramsay fake reservations: opening restaurants will never be the same again for the world reknown celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay. After successfully opening multiple restaurants across the world, the celebrity chef was given the shock of his life when opening night of his latest London franchise that was initially fully booked turned out to be a no show.

Gordon Ramsay, who is no stranger to controversy, got the shock of his life recently. He had set up everything. The restaurant, Heddon Street Kitchen was up and running, the restaurant cooks were in the kitchen getting to the chopping and frying, the register was booked full and the website was fully operational. The cooks were fired up for the big night on Saturday two weeks ago and so was Gordon Ramsay. However, when the restaurant finally opened up, all that was there for them to serve were the empty seats at the restaurant. The reservations were not only a no show, they were fake.

It later appeared that the Gordon Ramsay fake reservations were all set up by a competitor at the London food market. According to Gordon Ramsay, while opening up at an interview with Jonathan Ross of British TV, "I think there's all that level of envy. Saturday was our first big day opening (of Heddon Street Kitchen). We had 140 on the books and we had 100 no show. So someone's literally online..."

Asked on whether the infamous Gordon Ramsay fake reservations were an attempt at sabotaging his grand opening, he replied, "Yep, sabotage. It's bad spirit and you see the staff and they are down and frustrated, I was there to pick them up and make sure we stay focused. Now we're going to reconfirm every table."

Ramsey, saddened by the terrible opening but disconcerted by the competitor, refused to name the chef he blames for the incident. However, he now has to double check all his reservations just to be sure. The London opening business will never be the same after the Gordon Ramsay fake reservations incident.

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