New Study Suggest More Salt In Diet Is Good

A new study states more salt in diet is good because it poses lower risk to cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. This has been a current debate that is seen as a possible threat that could challenge the public awareness on the use of salt.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three American adults has hypertension. It accounts for 31 percent or 67 million Americans who are hypertensive.

It has been long studied that more salt in diet is bad, but the new study contradicts the long established connection between salt and hypertension.

The present guidelines for dietary sodium intake of World Health Organization, U.S. government agencies and the American Heart Association is 1, 500 to 2, 300 milligrams of sodium or lower.

However, the new study that was published in the New England Journal of Medicine, states that those consuming less than 3,000 milligrams of sodium per day had higher risk of death or incidence of heart attack or high blood pressure than those who are consuming more salt in the diet.

The new study that showed more salt in diet is good was conducted in 100, 000 people from 17 countries over the period of three years. The new study is called Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology study, or Pure, where the participants were asked to consume an average of 4,930 milligrams of Sodium per day.

The result suggests that 4.3 percent of those who took less than 3,000 milligrams of Sodium after three years either had a heart attack, stroke or have died.

Those who consumed 3,000 to 6, 000 milligrams accounted for 3.1 percent increase incidence of heart problems and death. The researchers have concluded that death and heart problems increase as the intake rise above 6, 000 milligrams per day.

The result on the study that proved more salt in diet is good was contradicted firmly by the American Heart Association, a strong advocate of low-sodium recommendation.

The Food and Drug Administration has also remained firm in the study that reducing salt intake is beneficial and needed to prevent cardiovascular diseases.

What do you think, is the current study on more salt in diet good or bad?

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