John McCain Net Worth: How Much is the Former Presidential Candidate Worth?

John McCain net worth: McCain is an American politician with a multi-million dollar fortune. A naval captain, a war veteran, a victim of torture and a prisoner of war, McCain has served as a senator in United States since 1987. In the year 2008, he was Republican nominee for president. After his graduation in US Naval Academy in 1958, he worked as an officer in the navy for 22 years. While in the Navy, he also worked as a Navy pilot. From 1967-1967, he spent his life in Vietnamese prison after he was shot down during the Vietnam War.

John McCain net worth stands at $21 million. McCain's wealth acquiring journey is traced to when he left the Navy in early 1980s. He joined politics in 1982 and he was later elected to the United States House of Representative. In the year 1986, he was elected to serve as senator. In 2000, he vied for the Republican presidential nomination. However, he was easily defeated by George. W. Bush. He won the republican nomination in 2008. He chose Sarah Parin to be his running mate. He was determined to succeed George Bush to become president. Unfortunately, Barack Obama and Joe Biden, Democratic candidates, defeated them in US presidential election.

John McCain was born in Panama and he the present US senator from Arizona. John McCain wealth is tied to his wife business. Cindy McCain's investment and family business has been the source of McCain's wealth. In 2000, her wife became controlling stockholder of a private company after her father's death. She is also Hensley's board of director's chairwoman.

According to reports that senate candidates are required to make, McCain wealth is tracked from his wife. Going by the Center for Responsive Politics report, John McCain is among the richest senator by net worth. Center for Responsive Politics is non-profit and non-partisan group that monitors money that is spent in political campaigns, part of which may have contributed to the John McCain net worth figure.

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