Putin China First Lady Chivalry Stirs Storm in China, How Could Putin Do That?

Putin China first lady- Russia's President Vladimir Putin never ceases to amaze. After marching his forces to Ukraine's border and calling Hillary Clinton 'weak', the Russian president went ahead to drape his shawl over the shoulder of  China's first lady Peng Liyuan.

Vladimir Putin caused a stir in the ongoing APEC conference when he draped his shawl over the Chinese President Xi Jinping's wife. The Putin China first lady incident was caught on camera but was blurred out of the images andn videos being aired live from the conference. The incident happened as the dignitaries were watching a fireworks display.

The Chinese first lady, graceful even in times of pressure, accepted President Putin's shawl at first but later on removed it and had it taken away. This happened as her husband, President Xi Jinping was looking away with an aide and U.S President Barrack Obama.

The video, which was censored from the public was, however, distributed on social media through China's twitter version Weibo and the Chinese messaging service WeChat. However, the Chinese government was quick to act in the face of such a breach of protocol. A quick look up of the video today proved futile as China's internet police had every last bit of the video removed as it was deemed too potentially damaging to share, much, of course, to the  dismay of Putin. China first lady Peng Liyuan has yet to speak about the issue. Neither has President Xi Jinping. Some evidence, however, does remain of the incident with loosely translated comments https://weibo.com/p/10080836b7ee4f2c0c50c21a12f468aee9cf8e?k=%E6%99%AE%E4%BA%AC%E4%B8%BA%E5%BD%AD%E4%B8%BD%E5%AA%9B%E6%8A%AB%E5%A4%96%E5%A5%97&from=home_new_topic&_from_=huati_thread

Chinese state controlled television did not mention the incident anywhere. Neither did the Chinese state news agency Xinhua.

The question on everyone's mind is what Putin was thinking when he offered the shawl. Perhaps he was simply warming up to Beijing. Whichever the case, the Putin China first lady act of chivalry has made the biggest headlines as regards presidential flattery since Obama's selfie with Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt at Mandela's funeral.

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