ISIS Leader Killed In Syria: Dead Or Alive, $10 Million Reward For ISIS Supreme Leader

ISIS Leader Killed In Syria- U.S.-led airstrikes launched last Friday was targeted at a convoy of ISIS leaders moving in Mosul, Northern Iraq. There are no confirmations whether the ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was one of the seriously wounded militants in the attack.

CNN reported that Col. Patrick Ryder, the U.S. spokesperson for US.S Central Command stated that there was no proof or information relating to the report that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is one of the ISIS leader killed in Syria.

In Ryder's statement, he only clarifies that there were series of attacks near Mosul that completely hit ten moving armed trucks loaded with ISIS leaders. He added there is no more information he could attest whether the top commander of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was severely wounded or has died.

There was no confirmation if the top commander is one of the ISIS leader killed in Syria. A Mosul Morgue has received roughly 50 casualties right after the airstrikes.

Al-Hadath TV station had reported that U.S.-led airstrikes were also aimed at a gathering of ISIS leaders in Iraq. However, there was no verification on the airstrikes aimed at ISIS gathering. ISIS didn't confirm or released a statement pertaining to the ISIS leader killed in Syria attack.

Al Arabiya News reported that MP Mohammad al-Karbuli of Anbar province claimed U.S. fighter jets hit a gathering of ISIS leaders that wounded a lot of people and numbers of ISIS leader. Killed in Syria attack were mostly leaders of the militant group, al-Karbuli added.

Wounded leaders and ISIS leaders killed in Syria were first brought to Al-Qaim that occupied the whole hospital.

Some residents were also claiming that an ISIS leader and his deputy were killed in Syria although the reports were not confirmed.

Al-Baghdadi was claimed as the supreme leader of the Islamic State Group. He is an Iraqi militant whose age is believed to be in his 40s. He has ruled over the whole vicinity of Iraq and Syria since 2010. A reward of $10 million is given to anyone who can give information on his captivity.

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