Marysville Shooting Plot Derailed, 2 Female Teenagers Charged For Act Of Terrorism

A Marysville shooting plot was about to happen until two teenagers were reported and were charged for the incident.

Two female teenagers at the Marysville High School ages 14 and 15 were accused of a shooting conspiracy apparently to kill their school administrators. The two were facing criminal charges for providing act of terrorism.

According to Union County Prosecutor David Phillips, the Marysville shooting plot was received on Feb. 7. Juvenile cases were filed against the two accused and were already starting with the court proceedings.

As the case is being held in the juvenile court, the names of the two accused were held confidential. The court has also released a protection order not to reveal the identities of the two girls charged for the school shooting.

Based on the court documents, the planned Marysville Shooting plot didn't succeed when classmate of the accused students called 911. Apparently the two girls approached one of their classmates to supply them with guns for the intended shootout.

"I'm a student at Marysville High School, I need someone at my house. There's going to be a conspiracy for a school shooting...They just told me about it. They wanted me to supply them with firearms," the unidentified classmate reported to 911.

It appears that the two were exchanging messages about their Marysville shooting plot. In the court documents, it was reported that they will shoot the school administrators and they will tell everyone that it is just a drill. Part of the plan is to make the remaining students in each classroom kill each other.

In an email statement, Prosecutor David Phillips told that the Marysville shooting plot is regarded as delinquent because if the act was committed by an adult it is considered as a misdemeanor offense.

He also added that the two girls who were charged with the shooting plot could face six months to 21 years term at the Department of Youth Services once they were proven guilty.

The two accused for the intended gun firing were detained while they were waiting for the court hearings. There were no other information given regarding where they were detained due to the sensitivity of the case and court order.

The 14-year-old student accused for the Marysville shooting plot was reportedly brought to Memorial Hospital of Union County for examination while the 15-year-old student was arrested on Feb. 3.

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