Food Trends That Have Got to Go!

Food trends can be catchy and addictive, especially if they are fun or labeled as the in thing. However, not all food trends are smart choices. Some are just misconstrued notions, others plain wrong. The following food trends have recently been hitting the food circles by storm and they have definitely got to go.

1.       Paleo diets

The paleo diet is being offered as the diet of the year. With Americans already consuming large amounts of meat, a paleo diet would not be necessary for any of them. How do you even replicate a diet cavemen lived by? They probably ate that stuff because they did not have any other options. Between taking down a dinosaur and chewing on wild berries for lunch, I'd probably be gobbling up the berries myself.

2.       Genderizing foodstuffs

Why does a plastic bag of greens at the grocery store have to be called 'Girl greens?' That just makes men all insecure about buying the green spinach leaves. Genderizing food is simply wrong!

3.       Farm food

Every piece of produce Americans consume must be from farm. With the growing adoption of Genetically Modified Foodstuffs and the growing intake of the same by Americans as well as the wide spread misconceptions regarding their growth, one can see where the farm food trend finds its grounding. This food trend is just unexplained and arises out of misinformation. Of course any type of food is grown in a farm, even GMO foods have to grow from farm soil.

4.       Juice cleansing

Everybody is cleansing their body with juices now. Detoxing is good but cleansing the body using juice just doesn't serve the same purpose. The body mechanics prompt cleansing to be undergoing even as we conduct our daily routines, destroying the need for the food trend that is juice cleansing.

These food trends have got to go!

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