Air Pollution Will Kill Us: 4 Points About Air Pollution That Will Make You Cringe!

We are all aware that air pollution is dangerous to our health.

Sadly, the increasing effects of industrialization are not doing our precious air any good.

Furthermore, our general lack of familiarity with some air pollution facts is not helping us at all in effectively addressing this problem.

So if you want to tackle the problem air pollution in your area, then start by arming yourself with these basic air pollution facts:

1. We breathe in approximately 20,000 liters of oxygen daily.

Now just imagine if you are living in a heavily polluted city. Will your lungs be able to handle breathing in 20,000 litres of dirty air? Gross, isn't it? Now you know why respiratory diseases are one of the leading causes of death in the world today.

2. There is such a thing called the "Sick Building Syndrome".

The Sick Building Syndrome is one of the air pollution facts that you must not forget. Are you fond of cleaning your house with sprays and chemicals loaded with dangerous chemicals? Do you work in an office where pests are being controlled using insecticides? If you can relate to any of these questions, then you might already be suffering from the Sick Building Syndrome.

3. Motorized vehicles pollute the air more than any other human activity.

This fact should get you thinking the next time you are planning to use your car. If you do not really need to drive your car today, then why bother? If the place you intend to go to is just near anyway, then why not walk or ride a bike instead?

4. Dangerous air pollutants are generally invisible to the eye.

Harmful gases and other toxic elements that pollute the air cannot be seen, and this characteristic makes air pollution all the more alarming as an issue. You might feel that you are healthy and might think that the air that you breathe in is fine, but you will never really know unless you observe your surroundings more carefully and listen to your body more closely.

There you go!

Feel free to share these air pollution facts to anyone you know.

Remember that we have only one life to live, so we better not live in ignorance and start taking action to stop air pollution now.

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