McDonald’s Gourmet Menu: Australia Gets Taste Of Fancy Mickey D Burgers!

Whether they're just trying it out in the Australian market first or it'll just be a part of the southern country's restaurants, McDonald's gourmet menu has grown steadily popular with those Down Under - and they even get to make their own burgers!

The new McDonald's gourmet menu is a fully customizable one, according to Gizmodo. There's actually a touchscreen machine at McDonald's restaurants that allows you to go step by step in the making of your burger, adding whatever delicious items that you might find interesting - from classics like bacon, to different kinds of cheeses, how many patties you want and different sorts of buns as well.

The McDonald's gourmet menu has people all over the world curious - but, at least for now, the feature will only be present at Australian restaurants, though apparently in all of them.

According to UK's The Mirror, patrons can choose up to 19 ingredients from a list, in their different possible variations - from the bun to how many tortilla chips they might want, caramelized onions, jalapenos, eggs and even how many patties and which sauces should be in the mix.

As a part of the new strategy, the McDonald's gourmet menu also diverges from the company's classic appearance: the burgers don't come in paper wrappers as they do in the rest of the world, but they're in better-looking plates that show from the start all the ingredients inside the burger.

Even the plastic trays are gone from this new revamping of their image.

While there have been no news of the McDonald's gourmet menu outside of Australia - plus its fancy touchscreen machines to order - it wouldn't be surprising that, if the experiment proves successful, the company might decide to take it to other markets like the United States, United Kingdom or even worldwide.

The company has been known in the past to try out formulas in one place and then expand them to other countries.

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