Peyton Manning Wife, See How the Publicity Shy Wife Keeps her NFL Husband in Check

Peyton Manning's wife Ashley Manning is quite the supportive woman. Having married the quarter back even before his career kicked off, many consider Peyton's wife as the engine behind the player.

Peyton met his wife Ashley after she was introduced to him by her family's friends. The introduction occurred the year before Peyton's freshman year in college. Ashley explains in a 2006 Indianapolis Women's article that her neighbor made the introduction. The neighbor who had played football at the University of Tennesse was hosting Manning for a recruiting camp. He later introduced the two to each other saying they would be perfect for one another.

Of course Ashley thought this was weird. But she says that her first impression of Peyton was that he was genuine. Little did she know she would marry the 5 time NFL MVP.

Ashley and Peyton Manning married on March 17, 2001 on St.Patrick's day. The date was special for Manning as he used it to decide which team he would be signing with as a free agent 11 years later. During their 11 year anniversary, Peyton wanted to celebrate their anniversary with his wife in Tennesse's smoky mountains. He therefore signed with the Tennesse Titans.

Ashley manning is very much involved in her husband's playing career. She advices him on a lot of his game decisions. A brilliant example would be in 2011 when Peyton was considering retiring after a string of neck injuries got in the way of his game. His Indianapolis Colts contract had ended and Manning was looking at retiremnet as an option. However, his wife saw things differently. "Ashley was the one that was saying, 'Peyton, you've got to try. You've got to try,"the future Hall of Famer admits.

In the continuing months of recovery, which included missing the whole 2011 season, Manning recouperated with his wife by his side. He finally got his game back and he has Ashley to thank.

The Mannings have two children- twins. A boy, Marshall and a girl, Mosley.

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