The Best April Fools' Prank Goes To 7-Eleven For Hot Dog Flavored Sparkling Water

Last week, 7-Eleven set social media feeds ablaze with influencers near and far unboxing and daring to drink its supposed new Big Bite Hot Dog flavored sparkling water made in collaboration with House Of Miracles Seltzer. Various influencers opened 7-Eleven's signature Big Bite Hot Dog box to reveal a 16 oz. can of the sparkling beverage and a description that read, "The Big Bite Hot Dog Sparkling Water combines the delicious and mouthwatering experience of 7-Eleven's iconic Big Bite Hot Dog into one refreshing beverage - ketchup and mustard included. "

Influencers Take the Bait With 7-Eleven's Big Bite Hot Dog Seltzer

Most wondered aloud why 7-Eleven would create such a thing. Addressing the kind folks at 7-Eleven, @kingschratz on TikTok said, "I'm not sure whether to thank you or be upset." King Schratz, we hate to tell you, but you got punked.

The convenience store giant announced yesterday that the whole thing was nothing more than an April Fools' gag. In an update to its press release, the company said, "April Fools! We admit that we created a limited supply of 7-Select Big Bite Hot Dog Sparkling Water as a joke, but it sounds like there might be more people out there than we anticipated who want to see our Big Bite Hot Dogs as a beverage. If you or someone you know supports Big Bite Hot Dog Sparkling Water, make yourselves known and we'll see what we can do!"

Hilarious Reactions, Tears, and Gag Reflexes to 7-Eleven's April Fools' Prank

7-Eleven's prank is responsible for some of the funniest social media content I've seen in a long time. Although offended by the very idea of the water, most reviewers ventured on in the name of clicks and the almighty algorithm.

Most comment on the foul smell upon opening yet, still... venture on. After one sip, Schratz pauses to put his hand over his mouth, noting, "I need a second," regains his composure and says, "This is some of the foulest tasting *ish* I have ever drank." And while this TikTok is enough to convince me that I'd rather die of dehydration than drink the stuff, it's the content from TikToker Steven Morea that nearly made me fall off my chair with laughter.

Morea opens the can with much of the same sentiment that Schratz does, working to stifle a gag reflex and documenting the actual tears it brought to his eyes. Even still, he carefully brings the can to his mouth to take a small sip. More gags and wretching occur until the man's face fully starts leaking. "I did not enjoy that," he said. "I can't get the taste out of my mouth, and I'm going a little insane."

@aprilf00lsday @7-ELEVEn ♬ original sound - steven morea

The good news? You can still get your hands on some perfectly normal and delicious sparkling water flavors from House of Miracles at 7-Eleven, including Lemon Lime, Green Apple, and Sweet Orange. So raise a glass (of something normal) to the fact that you won't be a guinea pig for 7-Eleven's wildest (and frankly, most disturbing) flavor experiment.

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