Consumer Reports wrote a letter to consumer packaged goods giant General Mills regarding concerning levels of chemicals called phthalates in some of their food products. They pointed out that Cheerios, Yoplait Original French Vanilla Low Fat Yogurt, Green Giant Sweet Corn, and Progresso Classics Vegetable Soup had higher traces of these chemicals compared to similar products made by competitors. Though General Mills currently meets FDA safety standards, Consumer Reports urged the company to take steps to reduce phthalate contamination in their goods.
What Are Phthalates?
Phthalates are chemicals known as plasticizers, and are typically used to soften plastics. The chemicals leach into food mostly through the use of plastic packaging and plastic in food handling equipment. Emerging research links phthalates to asthma, ADHD, obesity and type II diabetes, developmental disorders, breast cancer, and male fertility issues. Researchers believe frequent exposure to these chemicals may impact health over time.

What Can You Do To Reduce Exposure To Phthalates in Food
According to the Environmental Working Group, there are three things you should do to limit your exposure to phthalates in food:
Try not to purchase food served in plastic wrap or plastic food containers made from PVC, which carries the recycling label #3. Choose glass or stainless-steel food containers instead.
Try not to reheat food or beverages in plastic containers, as heat increases the release of phthalates into food.
Try to reduce the consumption of fast food. According to a 2016 study, people who ate more fast food had higher phthalate exposures, probably due to the amount of plastics used to produce and serve these foods.