How to Keep Your Meal Kit Food Fresh

When we order packed food online ahead of time, it may be challenging for us to keep the freshness of the meal since we have to consider several things, such as how the food is packed and the spot where we can store the dish. But what is the most effective technique to guarantee that the food in our meal kits will remain fresh? While assuring the freshness of your food, it is essential to consider the following factors.

The Typical Shelf Life of Various Meal-Kit Ingredients

Packed Foods
Pixabay/宏和 東涌

Some foods will keep for a more extended period than others. In most cases, fresh meat can be stored in the refrigerator for up to five days, whereas poultry and seafood can hold their freshness for at least two to three days. The following are suggested storage durations for specific ingredients:


Eggs that have been beaten and not uncooked can be stored in the refrigerator for three to five weeks or frozen for a year.

Most Sauces

Most sauces can be stored in the refrigerator for four to five days.

Fresh Beef, Veal, Lamb, and Pork

These fresh meats can be stored in the refrigerator for three to five days and frozen for up to a year.

Soups and Stews with Vegetables or Meat

Prepared soups and stews with meat or vegetables can be stored in the refrigerator for three to four days or frozen for two to three months.


Refrigerating pies for three to four days is suggested, but freezing them is not recommended.


Cod, haddock, salmon, tuna, and other types of fish should be refrigerated for one to three days and frozen for two to eight months.

Fresh Chicken or Turkey

Whether whole or shredded, these poultries can be stored in the refrigerator for one to two days and frozen for nine months to one year.

Fruits and Vegetables

The time that fruits and vegetables can be stored varies depending on the type of food being stored. Strawberries, raspberries, and other similar berries can only be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days, although blueberries, which are less fragile, can be stored for up to two weeks (or for one year if they are frozen). Moreover, the shelf life of ripened bananas in the refrigerator is typically three days. However, citrus fruits can be stored for up to three weeks without going bad.

Maintain Meal Kit Food Freshness Through Food Safety Methods

After two hours, it is time to throw away the food and come up with something different to eat for supper because it is at risk of producing microorganisms if it remains at room temperature for an unacceptable amount of time.

Moreover, examining your delivery as soon as it arrives is a recommended practice for ensuring food safety regarding meal kits. Always ask yourself if dry ice or frozen gel is available to safeguard perishable items since firm gel is a frequent option for controlling food temperature in meal kits. Is there no damage to the box itself? As mentioned, it is essential that frozen ingredients remain entirely or partially frozen, with ice crystals visible, and that everything feels cool when touched.

Your Packaging Line Matters

When exposed to excessive air, fresh foods are especially susceptible to deterioration, which can occur much more quickly. Those who provide meal delivery services have anticipated this difficulty. Most of them make the additional effort to package the components individually, which reduces the amount of air that comes into contact with the food and helps keep it fresher for longer. Utilizing the proper equipment, such as a meal prep packaging machine, is the initial step in ensuring that every food item is properly sealed.

Accordingly, foods should be kept apart to prevent cross-contamination. All items, including raw meat, chicken and other fowl, seafood, and eggs, should be kept separate from other foods. Also, ensure that these ingredients are handled with their own individual plates, cutting boards, and utensils. Use a food thermometer to ensure that meals are cooked to a safe internal temperature.

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