Carnivore Diet: Is It Effective For Weight Loss?

People who want to get serious about losing weight investigate different diet approaches. The quality of our meals considerably impacts our capacity to maintain good health, and selecting an appropriate diet is an essential step in achieving this goal. On the other hand, dietary choices tend to converge with those of the people we are closely connected to socially.

One of the reasons for this is that we find it gratifying to conform to the behavior of others because it is adaptive. TikTok is relatively well-known for spreading the word about strange diets, and the most recent variation, the carnivore diet, is no exception to this rule. But is it effective for weight loss?

Unsplash/Eiliv Aceron

Effectiveness of Carnivore Diet

The popularity of high-protein diets continues to rise, but one plan stands out from the rest. It is properly called the carnivore diet because its primary concentration is meat and nothing but meat. The carnivore diet, also known as the all-meat or zero-carb diet, prohibits plant-based meals and only allows the consumption of foods derived from animals. It is similar to the ketogenic diet, which is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, and it can increase several essential macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals in your diet.

As mentioned, following World Carnivore Month in January 2022, podcaster Joe Rogan declared via Instagram that he would consume only meat and fruit, though fruit is not formally a diet component. Accordingly, people who undertake a meat-only diet for an extended period are more likely to develop scurvy, as the singer James Blunt discovered after attempting a carnivore diet.

Moreover, a man featured in Newsweek also shared his experience in using a carnivore diet. He reportedly lost 80 pounds in less than a year. The man also asserted that before beginning the carnivore diet, he had extraordinarily elevated triglyceride levels, measured at 273 milligrams per deciliter. At this point, they are only 107, which is within the normal range. His HDL cholesterol has also increased to a healthier level, and the results of his blood testing show that he has great liver and renal function, with the highest levels he had ever seen. However, despite the support of the carnivore diet by a select group of extreme athletes and celebrities, such as Rogan, numerous experts are cautious about the health advantages of such a diet.

Possible Side Effects of Carnivore Diet

According to a statement by Dr. Simon Theobalds, a general practitioner at Pall Mall Medical, eating red meat on a carnivore diet is an excellent source of zinc. It is a mineral that plays a significant part in immune function, wound recovery, cellular development, and repair. Nevertheless, red meat, particularly slices high in fat, can be high in cholesterol and saturated fat. Moreover, it has been found that a higher intake of saturated fat and cholesterol is linked to an increased risk of both cardiovascular disease and stroke.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has given processed meats such as bacon, sausages, hot dogs, and deli meats the designation of Group 1 carcinogens. Therefore, significant proof exists to link the consumption of processed meat with an elevated risk of developing cancer. Promoting antibiotic resistance could also hinder the recovery process following an illness. Although animal products may provide some essential nutrients, adhering to this diet may still result in specific deficiencies.

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