McDonald’s Food Rumors Shunned: The Fast Food Company Hires Myth Buster!

McDonald's food rumors have been a part of popular culture for the longest time, but the company that Ronald McDonald calls home has had enough of it and they've created a new campaign to show users around the world how it is that the most famous McDonald's plates are made. As a part of the new campaign to defeat the McDonald's food rumors, the company has hired Grant Imahara, the former host of Mythbusters, to visit McDonald's restaurants and suppliers across the United States.

The latest McDonald's food rumors said that there was evidence that a McDonald's factory was processing human meat for consumption in their restaurants, which amounted to a scandal of epic proportions earlier this month. Of course, the McDonald's food rumors were nothing more than an elaborate hoax, as it was proven later on, but it seems the company has grown tired of the bad press regarding the secret ingredients of their famous foods, and have now move forward to do something about it.

The new campaign against the McDonald's food rumors is called 'Our Food. Your Questions' and is directed towards customers across the country that are interested in knowing how things get done at the kitchens of the restaurants with the big M outside. Rickette Collins, who is the company's director of quality systems, told ABC News: "We're starting on a journey called 'Our Food. Your Questions,' and we want to open up the doors and let our customers ask us any questions they have, and give them answers."

The new campaign against McDonald's food rumors also comes at a time of a crisis for the biggest fast food chain in the world, as it was revealed recently that August saw the big company having its worst numbers in the past decade, after patrons now favor casual dining restaurants over fast food chains.

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