Pizza is present on any occasion and just fits in every meal. You can eat them as your breakfast, lunch, dinner, or even as a snack while watching your favorite tv show and sipping soda of your choice. It is very convenient because the delivery service can bring the hearty meal right through the doorstep, skipping the hassle of falling in line just to get your hands on that slice. However, when eaten every day, your favorite pizza may pose ugly side effects.
With various toppings and the melted cheese on top, pizza has earned its place on the table as a staple to get together and other occasions that require celebration. Everyone loves it, and sometimes cravings get to an obsession; that is why it important to know what ugly side effects pizza has.
Pizza and Heart Disease
You may not be surprised, but yes, pizza may increase the risk of heart disease. Web MD shares that pizza can be healthy if it is consumed and made the right way. However, they emphasize that most take-out pizza and frozen pies have many sodium, calories, and fat that can heighten the risk of a heart attack. Eat This Not That recommends adding some vegetables as a topping to steer away from ruining your health.
Read also : The History of Pizza Going Into Its 3rd Century
Pizza and weight gain
Healthline shares that commercially prepared pizza contains a large amount of fat, refined carbs, and calories, alongside the processed meats and large amounts of cheese. They add that processed meats are linked to obesity and a heightened risk of adverse health problems.
Pizza and blood pressure
If you have high blood pressure, pizza may not be a good choice. Live Strong points out that pizza containing sodium may increase the blood sugar, so they need to be extra cautious when they eat it. They add that the cheese and sauce make the meal already high in sodium.
When you put the processed meats into account, the whole pizza's sodium goes higher and may not be advisable for people with high blood pressure to eat. Live Strong recommends adding vegetables to the pizza to decrease the sodium content.
Pizza and Cancer
Eat This Not That references a study published in Nutrition and Cancer Journal suggesting a link between colon cancer and eating too much red meat, reminding those who love an all meat topping in their pizza. However, in an interview with WebMD, epidemiologist Silvano Gallus, Ph.D., shares that there is still limited information on the possible influence of pizza and cancer risks.
Pizza and Skin
If you are taking care of your skin (which everybody should do), Eat This Not That recommends not eating it often as they reference a study from the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. According to the study, a relationship appeared between eating carbs and worsening acne. So if you don't want a breakout, lessen your consumption of the food.
Pizza may usually ease your hunger, and its convenience attracts you to buy them often. Remember that foods not taken into consideration may result to ugly side effects. Lessen your intake of pizza so that you may not experience these horrible side effects.
Related article : 10 Best Pizza Places in U.S. This 2021