Pancakes, eggs, protein smoothie, cereals, or oatmeal partnered with your favorite cup of coffee may sound ethereal for breakfast that will boost your energy throughout the day.
Who would think that a breakfast mistake might be made when you enjoy these rosters of foods every morning? But for dieters, weight gain might be an issue. That is why they are wary of eating too much in the morning or eating breakfast.
Although experts are encouraging everyone to take the most important meal of the day, alongside the promos that different food companies are giving to emphasize the importance of breakfast.
According to WebMD, breakfast kickstarts the metabolism and help the body burn calories throughout the day. This only means that if you are trying to lose weight, breakfast might bridge your long-term goal.
Breakfast and weight loss
Eat This Not That reports that a new study entitled Breakfast Frequency is Inversely Associated with Weight Gain in a Cohort of Mexican Women, published in The Journal of Nutrition suggests that regular breakfast may be a vital factor for body weight change.
Yahoo! Life notes that the researchers behind the study analyzed the changes in body weight of 65,099 women in three years.
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Doctor NDTV points out that one group sample which takes their breakfast every day gained 7% fewer heaviness than those who did not take the morning meal.
To find this out, the researchers indicated in the Journal of Nutrition that they utilized linear and modified Poisson regression to analyze body weight change as a continuous variable for weight gain.
Overall, the study demonstrates 18.4% of the participants gained TK or fewer pounds between 2008 and 2011. This is 7% higher than those who take breakfast regularly.
The theory is supported by other experts noting some Dietitians' words that eating within an hour after you slumber is the best for reinforcing the energy levels throughout the morning.
Breakfast tips
Now that the importance of breakfast caught your attention, especially if you're trying to lose weight, it is common sense that you should not eat anything that you find in your fridge.
A study that suggests consuming a protein before starting your workout helps burn more fat. So if you work out in the morning, Healthline recommends eating eggs may reduce appetite when eaten with your breakfast.
They also add that eating foods rich in fibers such as bananas, berries, and fruit smoothies will benefit your gut and give you enough vitamins.
On the other hand, Doctor NDTV notes that eating sugary foods in the morning will make you gain weight and add extra calories to your meal. So if you are thinking of eating your leftover cake, do not do it if you are on a diet.
Remember that not eating your first meal of the day is a common breakfast mistake and may cause weight gain. Discipline is the key to a healthier and lighter you this 2021.
WATCH: Breakfast ideas for Weight Loss from The Serious Fitness