What Is the Pescatarian Diet? Here's What You Need to Know

Pescatarian Diet

There are numerous types of diest in the world that remain unknown to many. One of these special diets is the pescatarian diet. Not many know what this diet is about, but there are plenty of people around the world that follows it. If you want to know more about the pescatarian diet, its facts, pros and cons, and how it is beneficial, this article will relay all the things you need to know.

What is the pescatarian diet?

The pescatarian diet is the type of diet where one will only consume vegetables, grains, and other types of seafood and fishes. Meat is not an option for this type of diet, and the only animal-based food they can eat is fish and seafood. Some dairy products are also not included in this diet.

Many consider the pescatarian diet as part of the vegetarian diet; however, the food that this diet includes is high in protein. Thus, there is a constant consumption of white fish and other foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. This includes other fishes such as mackerel, salmon, fresh tuna, and herring. Following a pescatarian diet can reduce one's risk to type 2 diabetes, getting high blood pressure, and getting obese. It also reduces the risk of getting certain heart diseases.

What is a balanced pescatarian diet?

Aside from somehow being a vegan diet, a balanced pescatarian diet is a combination of the Mediterranean diet. Still, it's loaded with more fruits and vegetables, as well as nuts and whole grains. Increased intake of fatty acids is the primary goal of the pescatarian diet, so for a pescatarian follower, they should take foods that are rich in monosaturated fat such as olive and safflower oil. They should also intake foods that are low in saturated fats, so they should limit their intake of lard, butter, cream cheese, and fats from lambs.

Many studies have shown and proved that the pescatarian diet offers positive impacts on chronic diseases, and it lowers down mortality percentages compared to diets that include meats. People who follow the pescatarian diet goes to show they have lower blood cholesterol and blood pressure compared to 100% vegetarians.

What will I miss out on a pescatarian diet?

Just like other diets, the pescatarian diet can lack other nutrients. Thus, it is essential to have a balanced diet still. Since the pescatarian diet prohibits the intake of red meats, it could require other nutrients. However, there are plant-based alternatives that pescatarians can take instead of red meat. These vegetables include spinach and broccoli, which are rich in iron. As for vitamins and minerals, one can take low-sugar breakfast cereals.

Although pescatarians should not take meat-based products, it also means they should lay off with dairy and eggs. Thus, they might lack other nutrients such as vitamin B12, zinc, calcium, and phosphorus. However, pescatarians can find other alternatives for them to get those nutrients in their system. Always remember that you need to have a well-balanced diet even when you are following a pescatarian diet. Make sure the diet you are following is healthy and good for your body.

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