Burger In Space: This Amazing Burger Joint Takes Delivery Seriously, Sending A Fast Food Combo Into Space! [PHOTO+VIDEO]

The owners London-based hamburger start-up Chosen Bun launched a burger to space, along with a share of French fries and a GoPro camera to document the venture. Peter Sharman and Andy Shovel are physicists besides owning a fast food delivery service, and to boost their business they decided to send a burger into space, in a combo with French fries - however, skipping the soda!

The United Kingdom journal The Telegraph reports the crazy antic of the burger in space, which cost Chosen Bun owners Peter Sharman and Andy Shovel £2,000 ($3,212 US). The way they sent the burger into space was attaching it to a rig with "lots of helium and a balloon the size of a two-bedroom house," said co-founder Andy Shovel to The Telegraph.

The fun publicity stunt took the fast food combo meal 112,000 feet above the ground, the highest any hamburger has reached in space - and, yes, there had been burgers sent into space before. However, this was the first time that a combo with burgers and fries (or chips, like they say in England) was launched beyond the Earth.

Later on, the surviving space burger was discovered 32 miles from where it was first launched, intact though inedible. The fries, however, were lost at some point of the fall back to Earth, certainly never to be seen again.

It seems this is not the first time the guys from Chosen Bun do a publicity stunt like this, as before they've driven a burger from the shop to Istanbul and have also catapulted another burger from the street.

The entire fast food adventure was recorded by a GoPro camera the physicists' team attached to the rig, to document the entire thing and then show it off to their customers back in England. The images in the video show the amazing journey of the burger until it was well beyond the surface of our planet, as the camera looked down upon Earth.

You can watch the incredible adventure of the burger in space in the video below!

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